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The files for locating available aerial imagery were updated on February 14, 2013.

  • For a comprehensive text file of all states, click here.

  • For a comprehensive PDF file of all states, click here.


Instructions on finding your state and county in the comprehensive text file:

Internet Explorer6.0: To locate your county, in which your area of interest resides, hit your Alt button on your keyboard, then your E key. This will activate a menu at the top of your screen. Hit the F key to start the Find (on This Page)... function. A dialog box will open. In the Find What text box, type the county name that you need to locate and hit your Enter or Return key. Being that are a number of counties named the same, you may need to hit the Find Next button a few times.

Mozilla Firefox2.0: To locate your county, in which your area of interest resides, hit your Alt button on your keyboard, then your E key. This will activate a menu at the top of your screen. Hit the F key to start the Find (on This Page)... function. Mozilla's version of a dialog box opens, but it's generally at the bottom of the page. In the Find text box, type the county name that you need to locate. As you start typing, you will notice the text file moving as Mozilla's find is trying you locate what you are typing. This is normal. Once the county name is found, you may need to hit Next or Previous a few times to find the correct county and state.


Instructions on finding your state and county in the comprehensive PDF file:

Acrobat Reader8.0: To locate your county, in which your area of interest resides, hit your Alt button on your keyboard, then your E key. This will activate a menu at the top of your screen. Hit the S key to open the Search dialog box. In the What word or phrase would you like to search for? text box, type the county name that you need to locate and hit the Search button. Be sure that the radio button In the current PDF document is active. A results window will open showing you the instances available. You can use your scroll bar to locate the proper state your county is in. Click on the instance you need and it will take you to the catalog information.



Last Modified: 02/14/13 12:14:53 PM

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