Federal Aviation Administration

Airports and Environmental Law

Airports and Environmental Law Division

The Airports & Environmental Law Division provides legal advice on all airport matters and on environmental matters for all lines of business, including relationships with state and local governments. The Division addresses questions concerning environmental policies and procedures. It also addresses questions concerning policies and procedures for airport planning and programs, such as the Airport Improvement Program, Passenger Facility Charge Program, the Airport Compliance Program, airport noise compatibility planning and programs, and the national program for review of airport noise and access restrictions. Other programs supported include the Commercial Space Transportation Environmental Program, the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, and the National Parks Air Tour Management Program.

The Division reviews environmental impact statements and other environmental documents for airport development projects and projects proposed to increase capacity in the national airspace system. The Division also provides legal guidance regarding the promulgation of rulemaking in airport and environmental law matters.

Finally, the Division also has litigation responsibilities. It represents the FAA in administrative proceedings concerning compliance with airport grant assurances and works closely with the U.S. Department of Justice to represent the FAA in federal court litigation concerning airport and environmental matters.

Page Last Modified: 05/09/08 14:38 EDT

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