Congressman Chris Stewart

Representing the 2nd District of Utah
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In The News

Jan 31, 2013 In The News
Opinion: We must reclaim moral and fiscal discipline
One of the primary reasons I ran for Congress was my commitment to cut our federal spending. We are standing at a tipping point in our history. We must reclaim the moral and fiscal discipline that created the American dream. What we do now will determine what kind of nation and what kind of future we pass on to our children and grandchildren.
Jan 23, 2013 In The News
New Utah congressman has ties that bind: family

The reach of the Stewart clan is impressive. Members of this prodigious Utah family advise the governor and attorney general. They wear judge’s robes, register as federal lobbyists and help lead a company that trains federal workers.

Now one of them is a member of Congress.

Jan 17, 2013 In The News
Gun plan a tough sell
In reaction to the school massacre in Newtown, Conn., President Barack Obama suggested the most sweeping changes to the nation’s gun laws in the past two decades. At the same time, he acknowledged how politically difficult it will be to get his ideas through Congress. Case in point: Utah.
Jan 16, 2013 In The News
In first House speech, Stewart calls for fiscal courage

In his first speech from the House floor, freshman Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah, called for the nation to "reclaim the moral and fiscal discipline" that made the United States a superpower with a burgeoning middle class.

Jan 3, 2013 In The News

The 113th United States Congress will begin on January 3, 2013. There are at least 12 new senators (3R, 8D, 1I) and 67 new representatives (29R, 38D).