Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads (ERFO)

Photograph of a damaged road

The Western Federal Lands Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads (ERFO) Program provides assistance to Federal Land Management Agencies in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and northwest Wyoming for the repair of facilities damaged by natural disasters or catastrophic failures. This includes Federal lands transportation facilities, tribal transportation facilities, and other federally owned roads that are open to public travel.

Publications and Resources

2011 ERFO Disaster Assistance Manual

2011 ERFO Disaster Assistance Manual

The purpose of this manual is to provide program guidance and instructions for the owners of Federal roads applying for Federal assistance under the Emergency Relief for Federally Owned (ERFO) Roads program.

Acrobat Icon View the 2011 ERFO Disaster Assistance Manual  (Acrobat, 2.95 MB)

ERFO Tables, Requests and Reports

Division Coordinator

The Division Coordinator is responsible for coordination of the ERFO Program and subsequent activities with the Federal Lands Management Agencies (FLMA's) Regional/State offices.  For the FLMA's/Servicing Federal Lands Highway Division Office, please refer to the ERFO Manual, Appendix B-1 and B-2: ERFO Disaster Assistance Service Area Reference Matrix.  Contact information for the WFLHD Division ERFO Coordinator is:

  • Western Federal Lands Highway Division (WFLHD)
    Location: Vancouver, Washington
    Coordinator: Mr. David Hilgendorf
    Phone: (360) 619-7620
    Email: david.hilgendorf@dot.gov

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