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A Comprehensive Nuclear Receptor Network for Breast Cancer Cells

A Comprehensive Nuclear Receptor Network for Breast Cancer Cells

In breast cancer, nuclear receptors (NRs) play a prominent role in governing gene expression, have prognostic utility, and are therapeutic targets. We built a regulatory map for 24 NRs, six chromatin state markers, and 14 breast-cancer-associated transcription factors (TFs) that are expressed in the breast cancer cell line MCF-7.

The inner workings of the circadian clock

The inner workings of the circadian clock

Center Investigator Michael Rust and colleagues reveals the biochemical mechanisms that allow the oscillations of the cyanobacterial biological clock to be tuned to changes in the environment while simultaneously maintaining a robust 24-hour period. 

Argonne-Sponsored Meeting Showcases Scientific Advances in Soil Metagenomics

More than 140 researchers from the United States, Canada, Brazil, Asia (Taiwan), and Europe (Czech Republic, France, Germany, Spain) gathered at the Indian Lakes Resort near Chicago to participate in the 4th Annual Argonne Soil Metagenomics meeting October 3–5.

Systems Biology of Immune Cells at the Genomic Level

Systems Biology of Immune Cells at the Genomic Level

Aly Azeem Khan, IGSB/CBC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology, co-authored with collaborators at Genentech, Washington University, New York University, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, a new study published online in advance of print in Science Magazine.

Why a diet rich in saturated fat can trigger bowel disorders

Why a diet rich in saturated fat can trigger bowel disorders

Dionysios Antonopoulos, an assistant biologist (microbiologist) in the Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology at Argonne National Laboratory, is co-author (with Suzanne Devkota, Bana Jabri, Eugene Chang, and others at the University of Chicago) of a new study on the role that diet plays in promoting complex immune disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

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IGSB Seminar Series Alexander Stark, PhD

CCSB Science Jam 2013

IGSB Seminar Series Lars Steinmetz, PhD

Lars Steinmetz, PhD
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Heidelberg, Germany

IGSB Seminar Series David Schwab, PhD

IGSB Seminar Series Jay Shendure, MD, PhD

IGSB Seminar Series Charlie Boone, PhD

CCSB Science Jam 2013

IGSB Seminar Series Harmit Malik, PhD

CCSB Science Jam 2013

CCSB Science Jam 2013

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