Showing posts with label TSA Pre✓™. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TSA Pre✓™. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

TSA Pre✓™ is a Risk Based Recipe for Success

TSA Pre✓™ logo.
I recently read an article at Huffington Post titled: Is The TSA's Pre Check Program A Recipe For Disaster? The easy answer to this question is no, but that wouldn’t make much of a blog post, now would it?

TSA Pre✓™ enables us to move away from the one-size-fits-all approach to transportation security. It improves security by using intelligence and information volunteered by passengers to help us make informed decisions about the level of threat. You can read more about TSA Pre✓™ by clicking here, but I’d like to help clarify a few things I read in the article. TSA Pre✓™  improves the customer experience by expediting the screening process and allowing travelers to keep 3-1-1 and laptops in their bag. Shoes and outwear too can stay on.

On Mistakenly Being Screened Through TSA Pre: If you’re randomly chosen to be screened through a TSA Pre✓™ lane, it’s not a mistake. Not all TSA Pre✓™ members are affiliated with Global Entry, SENTRI or NEXUS. Many were selected by participating airlines based upon TSA established criteria and opted-in through the airline’s system at no charge. There are many ways to opt-in to TSA Pre✓™. Sometimes the opt-in is as simple as clicking “yes” on a pop-up box when you sign into your mileage account. The airlines have included several different methods (mail, e-mail, pop-up boxes when you login, account profile update alerts) to opt-in.

On Having to Pay to Join TSA Pre™: You don’t have to pay to join TSA Pre✓™. That’s right, while paying to join Global Entry, SENTRI or NEXUS is an option, many members have been selected by airlines and at no charge.

On Identity Fraud Concerns: No security plan is without some level of risk. You’ll never hear us say that security is 100% effective. There are just too many variables involved. Administrator Pistole said it best in a recent letter to the editor: “TSA has created a layered security approach so that all passengers who go through checkpoints, including those in the TSA “PreCheck” program, are subject to multiple security measures including behavior detection, screening and canine assessment that secure travelers and our nation’s aviation system.”

So, rather than thinking TSA Pre✓™ is a recipe for disaster, I hope you now understand that it’s more of a recipe for success.

If you have a travel related issue or question that needs an immediate answer, you can contact us by clicking here.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

TSA Pre✓™ Rolls Out at Newark’s EWR Airport

Good news for select United frequent flyers or members of U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) Trusted Traveler Program at Newark’s EWR airport - TSA Pre✓™ is now available!  

TSA Pre✓™ News:
In case you’re unfamiliar with TSA Pre✓™,  you can read more about it by clicking here. The shorter version is that it's an initiative that allows certain passengers to keep their shoes and belts on, and keep their laptops in their bags. Also, it is free to many members who have been opted in by participating airlines. To see if you qualify for TSA Pre✓™ benefits, please click here.

If you have a travel related issue or question that needs an immediate answer, you can contact us by clicking here.

Friday, September 7, 2012

TSA Pre✓™ Begins at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport

As of this week, TSA Pre✓™ is now available at the Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG) for select American, Delta, United, and US Airways frequent flyers, or members of U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) Trusted Traveler Program. The TSA Pre✓™  line is located at the main terminal. 

I stopped by the TSA Pre✓™ lane at CVG yesterday and asked a passenger what he thought of the TSA Pre✓™ experience. Hear what he had to say! After chatting with a few of the Officers, I learned that passengers have been very pleased with their TSA Pre✓™ experience.

Have you already opted into TSA Pre✓™ but rarely get selected for expedited screening? Here are some possible reasons why as well as some tips:
  • First off, to keep things random and unpredictable for anyone with bad intentions, there are times where you may not be selected for expedited screening. 
  • TSA Pre✓ is currently only available for U.S. citizens traveling domestically on a participating airline, out of a participating airport. Click here for the most updated list.
  • If you are a member of a CBP Trusted Traveler program, be sure youre including your PASS ID found in the top-left corner on the back of your membership card in the Known Traveler field every time you book a flight. If youre not sure its in there, especially if youre not booking it yourself, you can always call your airline to confirm that your number is on the reservation before you fly. 
In case you're wondering what TSA Pre✓™ is, you can go here to read all about it. Long story short, it's an initiative that allows passengers to keep their shoes and belts on, and keep their laptops in their bags. Also, it is free to many members who have been opted in by participating airlines. To see if you may qualify for TSA Pre✓™ benefits please click here.

If you have a travel related issue or question that needs an immediate answer, you can contact us by clicking here.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

TSA Pre✓™ Begins at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) with US Airways

As of today, TSA Pre✓™ is now available for select US Airways frequent flyers and CBP Trusted Traveler members at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX). The TSA Pre✓™  line is located at the Terminal 4A security checkpoint.

Have you already opted into TSA Pre™ but rarely get selected for expedited screening? Here are some possible reasons why as well as some tips:

  • First off, to keep things random and unpredictable for anyone with bad intentions, there are times where you may not be selected for expedited screening. 
  • TSA Pre✓™ is currently only available for U.S. citizens traveling domestically on a participating airline, out of a participating airport. Click here for the most updated list.
  • If you are a member of a CBP Trusted Traveler program, be sure you’re including your PASS ID – found in the top-left corner on the back of your membership card – in the ‘Known Traveler’ field every time you book a flight. If you’re not sure it’s in there, especially if you’re not booking it yourself, you can always call your airline to confirm that your number is on the reservation before you fly. 

Bonus Tip: Did you know that kids 12 and under can travel with you through the TSA Pre✓™ lane? If you didn't, now you know! That info might come in handy this summer.

In case you're wondering what TSA Pre✓™ is, you can go here to read all about it. Long story short, it's an initiative that allows passengers to keep their shoes and belts on, and keep their laptops in their bags. Also, it is free to many members who have been opted in by participating airlines. To see if you may qualify for TSA Pre✓™ benefits please click here.

Here are some other TSA Pre✓™ posts that might interest you:

If you have a travel related issue or question that needs an immediate answer, you can contact us by clicking here.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

TSA Year to Date Report: A Look at the Year So Far

It’s been a busy year so far with 375,432,402 passengers traveling through TSA checkpoints since January! That is approximately 1.8 million passengers screened per day!

It has also been a busy seven months beyond the checkpoint for TSA. Teams of experts have been working hard to expand the rollout of risk-based security initiatives that are aimed at enhancing security while improving the passenger experience. In that short amount of time we have changed the travel experience for all passengers 12 and younger, all passengers 75 and older, flight crews, military members and the millions of passengers who have opt into the TSA Pre✓™ expedited screening program.

TSA Pre✓™ has expanded to 5 airlines and 20 airports, and has processed more than 2 million passengers. By the end of year we plan to have TSA Pre✓™ available at 35 of the busiest U.S. airports.

Out of the 375,432,402 passengers who have traveled through our checkpoints so far this year, 30,204 have submitted a complaint. While that might sound like a lot on the surface, that equates to 0.008% of the total number of passengers. By the way, did you see the latest Gallup poll that American’s views of TSA are more positive than negative? Check it out!

We have also taken steps to expand the availability of our award winning My TSA mobile application. As of last month it is now available at the Google play store. It’s also available on iTunes and the mobile web. The My TSA App provides passengers with 24/7 access to the most commonly requested TSA information.

We kicked off the year on the blog talking about cupcakes, and moved on to other things like otters, getting to the gate early, the Federal Air Marshal Service’s 50th Anniversary, traveling with wedding dresses, traveling with scuba gear, why laptops have to be removed from bags, and many, many more posts you can find in our archives at

There were several high profile stories about alleged checkpoint experiences that turned out to be false. Yes, nail clipper confiscation was one of them. Also, there were claims that our Officers mistreated a passenger who was deaf and also mistreated a passenger with a feeding tube. There were other claims such as a woman who said there were no female Officers to screen her, parents who said we accused her four year old child of having a firearm, a woman who claimed she was screened because of her looks, and lastly, a parent accused TSA of having their child on the no fly list when in fact it was an airline travel glitch that caused the problem. If you read our TSA Week in Review posts, you are no stranger to some of the frightening items our officers have found this year. Some travelers may forget a small knife in their bag, but others bring some rather shocking items with them to the airport.

From January to July, there have been 821 firearms discovered in carry-on bags at checkpoints across the country. That’s almost four firearms per day! Of those, 691 were loaded, and 210 were locked and loaded with a round chambered. The most popular caliber so far has been the compact .380 with 197 found this year. Firearms have been found at a total of 160 airports with Atlanta (ATL) TSO’s finding the most firearms – 56 found so far this year. A couple of the more notable incidents this year were when a Portland passenger put a pistol in potted plant in an effort to sneak it past us,  and also  when another passenger had a disassembled gun and ammo concealed in three stuffed animals. Follow the links to read more about these incidents, and you can check out our TSA Week in Review posts to see pictures and spreadsheets of firearms found.

If the number of firearms we’ve discovered so far this year didn’t shock you, these examples might: a live 40mm high explosive grenade; a bottle wrapped in black electrical tape and filled with flash powder, and three M-80 fireworks; a black powder flask filled with 5oz. of black powder; even an explosively-viable cannonball; and last but not least, a live blasting cap.  

In addition to the live explosives items mentioned above, we also find a lot of inert items that look like the real deal. The problem with these types of items is that we don’t know if they are the real deal until we call out the bomb experts, and sometimes even they have a hard time figuring it out. Inert items can lead to closed terminals and checkpoints, which usually result in canceled or delayed flights. Here are some of the more interesting  inert items we’ve found so far this year: simulated detonating cord with simulated sheet explosives, M147 firing device with blasting cap taped to it, inert detonator, simulated Semtex-H, training claymore mines, IED training aids, two replica Claymore mines, warheads, 60mm mortar round, a bazooka round, and more grenades than we’ve seen in years past.

If you’re new to the blog and want to see more of the things we’ve caught this year, check out all of our TSA Week in Review posts. There you can review photos of the items and read about all of the other items we’ve found such as: bear mace in a sock, a knife mounted on a walker, a spear gun, a gun in a hollowed out book, eels, dead venomous snakes, a gassed up chainsaw, a grenade launcher, a chastity belt, and much more!

We hope you have a great remainder of 2012. For more TSA news and info, be sure to read and

If you have a travel related issue or question that needs an immediate answer, you can contact us by clicking here.