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Environment: title over image of the green banks of a creek and stone bridge    Protecting and enhancing the NIH environment   

30-50-75 -- Environmental Effects Abroad

  1. Consideration of Environmental Effects. In accordance with Executive Order 12114, Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Actions, 44 FR 1957 (1979), 42 U.S.C. ' 4321 note, the responsible official shall consider the environmental effects abroad of a major action by the Department or one of its OPDIVs/STAFFDIVs, including whether the action involves:

    1. Potential environmental effects on the global commons and areas outside the jurisdiction of any nation, e.g., oceans, Antarctica, and the upper atmosphere;

    2. Potential environmental effects on a foreign nation not participating with or otherwise involved with the United States and not otherwise involved in an HHS organization activity;

    3. The export of products (or emissions or effluent) that in the United States are prohibited or strictly regulated because their effects on the environment create a serious public health risk; or

    4. Potential environmental effects on natural and ecological resources of global importance designated under the Executive Order.

    Before deciding on any action falling into the categories specified in subsection A of this section, the responsible official shall determine in accordance with Section 2-3 of the Executive Order whether such actions may have a significant environmental effect abroad.

  2. Type of Environmental Review. If the responsible official determines that an action may have a significant environmental effect abroad, the responsible official shall determine in accordance with Section 2-4(a) and (b) of the Executive Order whether the subject action calls for:

    1. An EIS;

    2. A bilateral or multilateral environmental study; or

    3. A concise environmental review.

  3. Preparation of Environmental Documents. In preparing environmental documents under this section, the responsible official shall:

    1. Determine, as provided in Section 2-5 of the Executive Order, whether proposed actions are subject to the exemptions, exclusions, and modification in contents, timing, and availability of documents; and

    2. Coordinate all communications with foreign governments concerning environmental agreements and other arrangements in implementing the Executive Order.

This page last updated on Feb 08, 2006