Beamline X22A

  • General Information
    • Source Type
      Bending magnet

      Diagnostic and Instrumentation

      General User Beamtime

      Energy Range Category
      Hard X-Ray (1-50 keV)

      Energy Range
      10.7 keV (nom) and 32keV

      Beamline Type
      Facility Beamline

      X-ray diffraction, single crystal
      X-ray diffraction, surface
      X-ray diffraction, wide angle
      X-ray reflectivity
      X-ray scattering, surface
      X-ray scattering, wide angle

      Research Types
      X-ray scattering of thin organic and biomolecular material films, multilayers, catalytic materials, electrochemical interfaces, biomineral interfaces and single crystal x-ray diffraction.

  • Contact Information
    • Spokesperson The person from each beamline who acts as a contact point between the beamline management and NSLS administration. Contact for questions about the beamline scientific program, experimental capabilities, and beamline management.
      Nathalie Bouet, Brookhaven National Laboratory,, 344-3564

      Local Contact The beamline staff member who is typically responsible for overseeing the daily operation and maintenance of the beamline. Contact for questions about beamline instrumentation, experimental details, and training.
      Nathalie Bouet, Brookhaven National Laboratory,, 344-3564
      Benjamin Ocko, Brookhaven National Laboratory,, 344-4299

      Beamtime Scheduler The beamline staff member responsible for coordination of beamline schedule every trimester. Contact for questions about beamtime scheduling.

      Beamline Phone

  • Instrumentation
    • Beamline Characteristics

      Energy RangeMono Crystal or GratingResolution (ΔE/E)FluxSpot Size (mm)Total Angular Acceptance (mrad)
      10 keV (+- 500 eV) Si(111) ~2 x 10-3 ~1011 ph/sec 0.2H x 0.2 V 2.1

      Source Type
      Bending magnet

      Optical System
      Mirror: Platinum-coated flat mirror focusing in the vertical. Located 7.9 meters from the source. Monochromator: Sagitally focusing Si(111) crystal monochromator scattering in the horizontal. Located at 12.4 m from the source. Sample Position: Located at 14.56 m from the source.

      Experimental Apparatus
      Spectrometer: Huber 6-circle, vertical scattering.

      Computer System Hardware & Software
      Computer: PC/AT Compatable, Linux OS Beam Line Controls: VME and GPIB; SPEC control software (by Certified Scientific Software)

  • Links