Beamline X17B1

  • General Information
    • Source Type
      7-pole superconducting wiggler, 4.2T, 17.4 cm period


      General User Beamtime

      Energy Range
      55 - 100 keV monochromatic / 20-150 keV white

      Beamline Type
      Facility Beamline

      X-ray diffraction, powder

      Rutgers University

      Research Types
      High energy x-ray scattering, in-situ diffraction, high-resolution x-ray diffraction, high-energy x-ray instrumentation development, stress-strain mapping, Micro-beam Radiation Therapy research.

  • Contact Information
    • Spokesperson The person from each beamline who acts as a contact point between the beamline management and NSLS administration. Contact for questions about the beamline scientific program, experimental capabilities, and beamline management.
      Zhong Zhong, Brookhaven National Laboratory,, 344-2117

      Local Contact The beamline staff member who is typically responsible for overseeing the daily operation and maintenance of the beamline. Contact for questions about beamline instrumentation, experimental details, and training.
      Zhong Zhong, Brookhaven National Laboratory,, 344-2117

      Beamtime Scheduler The beamline staff member responsible for coordination of beamline schedule every trimester. Contact for questions about beamtime scheduling.
      Zhong Zhong, Brookhaven National Laboratory,, 344-2117

      Beamline Phone

  • Instrumentation
    • Beamline Characteristics

      Energy RangeMono Crystal or GratingResolution (ΔE/E)FluxSpot Size (mm)Total Angular Acceptance (mrad)
      55 - 80 keV Si(311) sagittal focusing double Laue 2 x 10-4 1 x 1011 ph/sec (@ 67 keV, 200 mA, 2.8 GeV) 0.5H x 2V (@ 67 keV, focused), horizontal size larger at other energies 5

      Source Type
      7-pole superconducting wiggler, 4.2T, 17.4 cm period

      Optical System
      The X17 super-conducting wiggler provides high-energy x-rays with a critical energy of 22 keV. White beam or monochromatic beam can be used in the experimental hutch. Typical flux for white beam is 5 x 1014 photons/s/1%bw/0.25Å at 20keV. Monochromatic beams with energies tunable from 55 to 100 keV are provided with a Si(311) sagitally bent Laue crystal, at typical flux rate of 1011 photons/s.

      Experimental Apparatus
      6-circle Huber diffractometer with kinematic mount, equipped with Si(220) analyzer and four sets of adjustable slits for high-energy x-ray diffraction experiments. Choice of NaI, Ge, and image plate detectors are available. Hutch can accommodate a wide range of additional experimental hardware. Experimental proposals should highlight the use of the wiggler's high energy spectrum.

      Computer System Hardware & Software
      One PC486 with a LINUX operating system, X-Windows, SPEC, and CPLOT for operating the monochromator and experimental apparatus via CAMAC and a PCAII MCA board.

  • Links