U9B External Website

Beamline U9B

  • General Information
    • Source Type
      Bending magnet

      Diagnostic and Instrumentation

      General User Beamtime

      Energy Range Category

      Energy Range
      0.8 - 8.0 eV

      Beamline Type
      Facility Beamline

      Magnetic circular dichroism
      Time-resolved spectroscopy
      Ultra violet circular dichroism
      Ultraviolet florescence spectroscopy

      Research Types
      Studies of the solution structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules such as DNA, RNA, proteins and polysaccharides. Circular Dichroism and Fluorescence spectroscopy

  • Contact Information
    • Spokesperson The person from each beamline who acts as a contact point between the beamline management and NSLS administration. Contact for questions about the beamline scientific program, experimental capabilities, and beamline management.
      Steven Hulbert, Brookhaven National Laboratory, hulbert@bnl.gov, 344-7570

      Local Contact The beamline staff member who is typically responsible for overseeing the daily operation and maintenance of the beamline. Contact for questions about beamline instrumentation, experimental details, and training.
      John Trunk, Brookhaven National Laboratory, trunk@bnl.gov, 344-3406

      Beamtime Scheduler The beamline staff member responsible for coordination of beamline schedule every trimester. Contact for questions about beamtime scheduling.

      Beamline Phone

  • Instrumentation
    • Beamline Characteristics

      Energy RangeMono Crystal or GratingResolution (ΔE/E)FluxSpot Size (mm)Total Angular Acceptance (mrad)
      140 – 600 nm (8.9 – 2.1 eV) Vacuum 1.67 nm/mm 2 mm diameter 37H x 10V
      185 – 900 nm (6.7 – 1.4 eV) Air (Nitrogen Purge) 1.8 nm/mm 2 mm diameter 37H x 10V

      Source Type
      Bending magnet

      Optical System
      Mirror #1: Copper planar mirror coated with electroless nickel, overcoated with gold; not adjustable; at normal incidence angle; deflects beam 90 degrees down from horizontal; located 2.5 meters from the source. Mirror #2: Pyrex off-axis ellipsoid mirror coated with aluminum, over coated with magnesium fluoride; reflects the beam horizontally, perpendicular to the original beam, thereby erecting it. Predominant polarization is vertical; at normal incidence angle; steerable via remote controls; focal point at entrance slits of monochromators; located 2.7 meters from the source.

      Experimental Apparatus
      Vacuum Excitation: Vacuum Spectrometer: One-half meter Czerney-Turner single grating vacuum monochromator dedicated to vacuum spectrometer; operates at high vacuum [10-7 Torr] and separated from UHV by calcium floride window; 1200 grooves/mm holographic quartz grating coated by aluminum, over coated by magnesium floride; 0 - 3 mm independent entrance and exit slits; located 3.9 meters from the source. Fluorescence Spectroscopy (steady state and time-resolved): 220 mm single torodial grating emission vacuum monochromator; thermostated sample holder from -10 degrees to 90 degrees C; cryostat from -172 degrees to 20 degrees C; and a cryogenic refrigerator system for temperatures down to 12 K. Circular Dichroism and Absorption Spectroscopy: A calcium fluoride photoelastic modulator, vacuum in sample chamber to 0.001 Torr, sample thermal control from -10 degrees to 90 degrees C. Air Excitation: Air Spectrometer (purged with dry N2): 227 mm focal length double grating spectrometer; wavelength range (220 - 1000 nm); 0 – 2 mm entrance and exit slits. Simultaneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence (Omnilyzer): Position sensitive photomultiplier for simultaneous measurement of time-resolved fluorescence and polarization across emission spectrum.

      Computer System Hardware & Software
      Pentium III Industrial PC with ~8 PCI slots running Microsoft Windows for beamline control and data collection. Remote Linux data storage server with dual Pentium processors and many-GigaByte hard drives; Canberra single board MCA dedicated to time resolved fluorescence and MPA to collect F(t,lambda) data from position sensitive photomultiplier.

  • Links