Spotlight Archives

ManTech Programs Yield $1.1 Billion Cost Savings for Joint Strike Fighter

Vice Admiral David Venlet recognizes outstanding support to the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program.



Title III in Action: Light-weight Ammunition Will Result in Multiple Benefits

Defense Production Act, Title III Program is executing a project to develop a domestic production capability for light-weight polymer-based ammunition.



DPA Title III Project Creates Assured Low Cost MMICs and Energy Efficient Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

Achieving economies-of-scale by creating large commercial demand for light emitting diodes.



NDAA Brings Changes to Industrial Policy

The 2011 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) recommended a number of changes that will impact how the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Office of Industrial Policy is organized and funded.



Efficiency Initiative Effort to Reduce Non-Value-Added Costs Imposed on Industry by Department of Defense Acquisition Practices

The Office of Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy solicits inputs to help implement DoD "Better Buying Power" Initiative.



DoD Cyberstrategy: Leveraging the Industrial Base

Leveraging the U.S. technology base to ensure cyber security for the United States is addressed in the briefing, "DoD Cyberstrategy: Leveraging the Industrial Base."



Trusted Supplier Accreditation

Trusted Supplier Program managed by the DMEA has resulted in the accreditation of 40 suppliers of design, aggregator/broker, mask and wafer fabrication, packaging and test services.



Solar Cell Coverglass Manufacturing

MIBP helps galvanize the DoD agencies to ensure this critical space industrial capability is preserved for National Security Space (NSS) programs.