Posts Tagged ‘World Trade Week’


Celebrating World Trade Week 2012

May 21, 2012

Cory Churches is a Communication and Outreach Specialist in the Office of Public Affairs within the International Trade Administration.

This week we’ve launched World Trade Week with the President’s Proclamation and we are hard at work highlighting the opportunities, successes, and innovation surrounding trade and exporting.

Celebrating World Trade Week map showing exports of U.S. goods in 2011. North America $478b, Asia $381b, Oceana $32b, South America $115, Central America and Caribbean $54b, Africa $33b, Middle East $58b and Europe $329b

This map is patterned on the 1940 National Foreign Trade Week (May 18-24) updated to reflect 2011 trade figures for exports of merchandise.

In the past 50 years, U.S. exports have expanded 80-fold from $26 billion in 1961 to a record $2.1 trillion last year. It is our mission here at the International Trade Administration to continue that trend by working to expand opportunities for businesses of all shapes and sizes, helping them connect with more international buyers, and opening new markets for the great products and services we innovate and manufacture here at home.

Just this year, the trade agreements with South Korea and Colombia have been implemented and U.S. companies are now reaping the benefits and enjoying potential growth in exports to those countries.

We recognized 41 U.S. companies and organizations last week with the “E” and “E-Star” Award and these are just a few of the hundreds of success stories we see each year.

Day in and day out, trade specialists, international economists, and commercial service officers around the globe are working to ensure that U.S. businesses have the tools they need to be successful as provided:

Your success is our success and we have many ways for you to keep up to date on the most important changes in rules and regulations impacting your business, find out about trade event opportunities and provide feedback on how we’re doing. Our monthly newsletter International Trade Update is issued on the first Tuesday of every month and will keep you on track and in the know. You can also find us on Facebook and twitter.


May is World Trade Month

May 1, 2012

Cory Churches is a Communications Outreach Specialist in the Office of Public Affairs at the International Trade Administration.

May is the harbinger of Spring (here in the Northern Hemisphere) but it’s also what I like to call the “month of weeks”. In addition to being Bike Month (as proclaimed by the League of American Bicyclists) it is also a celebration of many of the things we here at the International Trade Administration hold near and dear to our hearts.

Bike messengers in Hannover, Germany (Photo T.MoE via Flickr)

Bike messengers in Hannover, Germany (Photo T.MoE via Flickr)

In May we celebrate National Travel and Tourism Week (May 5-13), National Small Business Week (May 14-20), and last but certainly not least World Trade Week (May 21-26). All month we will be highlighting programs, industries, and milestones from across the organization that fit into these three (and sometimes all) themes.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the E-Awards, created to “afford suitable recognition to persons, firms, or organizations which contribute significantly in the effort to increase United States exports.”

The U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement enters into force on May 15 and we will have information about the economic impact of the agreement and opportunities for key industries as a result of the provisions of the agreement.

The annual TradeWinds Forum takes place May 14-22 and we will be highlighting stories from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam where hundreds of companies will be networking with government and industry leaders to find connections, partners, and ultimately sales in new markets.

Speaking of partners, the Market Development Cooperator Program (or MDCP) will highlight one of their many successes with a profile of the Independent Film and Television Alliance. IFTA became a partner in 2010 with the goal of “enhancing the global competitiveness of its industry and increase the exports of U.S. independent motion picture exports by an creating American Pavilion at the Hong Kong International Film and Television Market.” We will hear of their ultimate success and track their progress.

Keep an eye out for upcoming stories and follow us on Twitter @TradeGov.


World Trade Week Begins

May 18, 2009

Jeremy Caplan is a public affairs specialist in the International Trade Administration’s Office of Public Affairs.

On May 6, 2009, President Barak Obama issued a presidential proclamation that May 17-May 23, 2009, be observed as World Trade Week and encouraged “all Americans to observe this week with events, trade shows, and educational programs that celebrate the benefits of trade to our Nation and the global economy.”

Since international trade is what we’re all about here at the International Trade Administration, it probably won’t surprise anyone that we look forward to World Trade Week every year and are involved quite a few events and other goings on this week and throughout the month. We are planning to have new World Trade Week related content on the ITA Blog each day this week, so please check in every day this week to see what’s new. Thanks and see you soon!


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