a woman prepares to test another woman for HIV

HIV and AIDS remains an overwhelming challenge in Zambia. With over one million Zambians infected with HIV, the disease has affected virtually all Zambians. HIV and AIDS has devastated individual families and communities, leaving households broken, and orphans and vulnerable children in its wake. However, HIV and AIDS is not only affecting people on the individual and community levels. The epidemic has affected all aspects of social and economic growth as well. It has weakened many areas of the public sector, and threatened long-term national development.

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June 12, 2012

LUSAKA - The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) recognized the Chongwe and Chinyunyu communities in Lusaka Province this week for achieving their goals to prevent HIV, awarding them K49 million in community goods as an incentive to continue their outstanding work.

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December 8, 2011

The opening of the Chaisa Community Learning Center has been a true labor of love. The establishment and maintenance of this Center is a result of partnerships between the Zambian Government, the United States Government, multiple private companies, non-profit organizations, and generous individuals, some of whom you will hear from today. These partnerships will ensure the success of the center.

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November 17, 2011

Today we stand on the threshold of the period during the year that we redouble our efforts to combat gender-based violence.

I am referring to the “16 days of activism against gender violence campaign,” which has occurred from November 25 through December 10 every year since 1991.

These 16 days are bookmarked by two key dates:
November 25 is the International Day against Violence against women;
and December 10 is International Human Rights Day.

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