two men with paperwork

USAID/Zambia’s support for democratic governance aligns with the Government of Zambia’s Sixth National Development Plan, which aims to provide a democratic system of governance that creates the necessary conditions for markets to function correctly, for the efficient and effective delivery of basic services, and can ensure civil society participation in decision-making. Overall, democratic governance in Zambia will help communities and individuals maximize their potential in order to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

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July 28, 2010

Lusaka — The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has launched a program to work with two major government offices, the Department of National Registration and the Department of Passport and Citizenship. This work will focus on streamlining/restructuring the process by which citizens obtain national registration cards and passports. Implementing a smooth and efficient process will impact millions of Zambians as all Zambians are required to obtain national registration cards at the age of 16 and many Zambian citizens obtain passports.

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two men using a computer

After three years of working, Prosper Chanda decided it was time to start his own sign company, but wasn’t sure how to register his business. The registration process could be long, expensive, and frustrating; many entrepreneurs faced similar challenges. Although all businesses are legally required to register in Zambia, many avoided registering because the process was too costly and lengthy. The World Bank estimated that registering a new business took up to 35 days in Zambia.

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