Welcome to Tuttle AHC!

Asking patients and families what matters most to them is critical to engaging them in care. Asking patients and families about their views of their health needs, understanding the context of their lives, and learning about their values and preferences are important steps in effectively engaging families in their care and providing effective care. Understanding what matters most to patients is crucial to helping them to develop a care plan and follow through with self-care.

Army Medicine’s number one priority to our Soldiers and Family members is to provide easy access to the best quality health care possible while maintaining Soldier medical readiness. Our goal is to have the right provider, providing care at the right time, using the right venue that’s best for the Family members by making primary care services easier to obtain.

Hours of Operation:

Tuttle Army Health Clinic is open for general appointments/services from 0800-1700 M-F.  (The clinic is closed weekends and Federal holidays and training holidays.)

TRICARE Service Center, Health Benefits and Referral Management are open from 0830-1600 hours.

Sick Call Services for Active Duty Service Members at Tuttle Army Health Clinic:

Sick call is for acute illnesses and injuries and is not intended to take the place of routine appointments. Examples of acute illnesses and injuries include but are not limited to; vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, severe headaches, abdominal pain, fever, sore throat, flu and cold symptoms, muscle sprains/strains and sports related injuries.

Service Members who report during sick call with routine requests or who report after sick call hours will be triaged by a nurse and depending on severity of the illness/injury may be required to return later that same day or the following day for a scheduled appointment.

Tenant units on HAAF who are assigned to the Tuttle Primary Care Clinic (i.e. 224MI, USCG, 260th QM) should report to any registration desk Monday through Friday from 0730-0800 for sick call triage.  Service Members should report with the DD 689 (Sick Slip) signed by a member of the chain of command.

How to contact your Primary Care Provider or Nurse: Call the Winn Appointment Line and ask to leave a telephone message with your assigned clinic. A Registered Nurse will call you back as soon as possible and can often resolve your question/request. If the RN is unable to assist, the message with be passed on to your Primary Care Provider who has 72 hours to respond to your request. Please make sure you leave a good contact number so we can return your call.


  • Primary Care
  • Optometry
  • Behavioral Medicine
  • Immunization Clinic
  • Chiropractic Clinic
  • Pediatrics
  • Physical Exam
  • Pharmacy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Visiting OB/GYN
  • Hearing Conservation
  • Laboratory
  • Radiology
  • Diabetic Clinic
  • Dental Clinic # 3