Richmond Hill Medical Home is always looking to support and educate our patients as best we can. We put our patients satisfaction first and hope to share our staff’s expertise with now and in the future to provide the best experience possible for those that walk through our doors. Please feel free to join in one of our recommended classes below.

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Wellness Mindfulness Group

with Ph. D Theresa Steele


Welcome to the wellness mindfulness group.  This group is based on research and experience that supports the use of mindfulness techniques in assisting each of us toward positive change in our life, health, and wellness.  Mindfulness is an awareness that emerges through paying attention intentionally, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to things as they are.  This group will include instruction in mindfulness techniques, ways to apply these techniques on a daily basis, and discuss how these techniques contribute to or facilitate wellness.  Group members will be willing to practice what they learned in the group 10 minutes daily at home and attend weekly group sessions.  This is an exciting way to add to our active participation in our health and well-being.  This type of group has been found to be helpful for some people with fibromyalgia, chronic pain, cancer, depression, anxiety, diabetes, heart disease, smoking cessation, and for general stress management.

Before you attend group please schedule a 30 minute meeting with the group facilitator. In that meeting you and she can determine if the group will meet your needs and you can set some goals or markers to monitor whether the group is helpful or not to you.  The markers can be a variety of things, for example, feeling more satisfied with home life or a greater sense of well being overall.  I look forward to our meeting and then seeing you in group.

Post Deployment Group for Spouses/Significant Others

with Ph. D Theresa Steele

Image00053The changes that occur in the service member and in the family members over the time that deployment separates them offer challenges when they are reunited.  This group is based on the evidence that when service members return from a deployment there is a normal adjustment process for both them and their spouses/family members.  This group is intended to provide a place to talk and share information about what it is like for spouses/significant others to adjust to post deployment changes in their family.  It will focus on discussing the differences and similarities of what is helpful in adjusting for each family or couple.  The primary focus each week will be the presentation of a specific topic related to adjusting with the intent to facilitate understanding the service member’s family’s and the service member’s perspectives.  The group will explore strategies to facilitate each member’s adjustment process and improve satisfaction with themselves, their relationships, and their home environment.

Before you attend group please schedule a 30 minute meeting with the group facilitator. In that meeting you and she can determine if the group will meet your needs and you can set some goals or markers to monitor whether the group is helpful or not to you.  The markers can be a variety of things, for example, feeling more satisfied with home life or a decrease in the number of arguments you have.  I look forward to our meeting and then seeing you in group.