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About Us

About the Mission


The United States has maintained diplomatic relations with the European Union and its forerunners since 1953, when David E. Bruce was appointed U.S. Observer to the Interim Committee of the European Defense Community (EDC) and U.S. Representative to the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The U.S. Mission to the ECSC formally opened in Luxembourg in 1956. Institutional changes brought about by the 1957 Treaties of Rome (which created the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community - EURATOM) led to the establishment in 1961 of the U.S. Mission to the European Communities in Brussels.

Learn about Transatlantic Relations.

Contact Information

  • Rue Zinnerstraat 13
    B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
    Telephone: +32-2-811-4100

    Public Affairs Office:
    Telephone: +32-2-811-5154
    Fax: +32-2-811-4848