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August 01, 2011


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The House has already done their job and passed reauthorization. The question is when will the Democrat controlled Senate do their job so we can put people back to work and continue to improve our aviation system.

If we had government officials that really acted in the interests of the American people instead of politics and just worrying about re-election, we'd actually get somewhere with our economy!!!

I think it will be a lot harder gto get funding for discretionary programs. The Debt Ceiling Agreement will reduce discretionary program funding to the lowest level since the 1950s. And if the new Super-Committee can't reach agreement or if Congress can't pass their agreement, an additional $1.2 trillion will automatically be with held from discretionary programs. We could see funding for these programs go down almost to pre-W.W.1 levels soon after or just before the start of the new year. The FAA Bill is one example of what things will be like multiplied many times over in the next 10 years. I hope that the FAA bill is passed and soon--the economy badly needs the jobs and the purchasing power they provide. But Congress seems not to care about middle class working families, or working class families, or seniors; and I don't see much change in this until at least 2013. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

Dear Secretary LaHood -

Thank you for all of your hard work in addressing the FAA shutdown which has impacted FAA employees, contractors and their families. It is clear that you are working hard to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

I want to suggest to you to recommend to the President to invoke his authority under the U.S. Constituition to resolve this issue and call the Congress back into session to address this issue.

Under Article 2, Section 3, Clause 2, the President can recall the Congress back from recess for an "extraordinary session".

Given the current economic climate, I would say these are extraordinary times indeed. With more than 100,000 people affected by this shutdown (FAA, contractors, and families) and the potential loss of over $1B in tax revenue (source: WaPo 8/3/11), I think this might be a strategy worth careful consideration as this situation is certainly extraordinary!

It would certainly send the right message to Congress and the Nation about how serious the President is about job creation/protection and ensuring we minimize damage to the economy.

I think the aviation inspectors should not be required to do their jobs without pay. Are they part of the same authorization package or not? If they are, they should be furloughed also. I say this, not because I want them furloughed, but until the public realizes there is a real impact to this furlough, they will not put enough pressure on Congress to do their job and get this reauthorization passed. Like Bob Scheiffer from CBS News said, "I kind of wish they'd have shut the whole thing down", (meaning controllers, etc). Then Congress would have really sat up and taken notice".

I just watched the video from Sec. LaHood on Aug. 2nd. Safety is not compromised, and that is good. But therein lies the rub. Because the general public is not compromised in their travel, etc, they just don't care enough to get Congress to finish up their work. Republicans see it one way, and the Dems see it another. Neither are pushing Congress enough to get the simple problems worked out. The problem of riders attached to a bill allows it to hold important bills hostage. This is a flaw in our govenment's system that I wrote about to my Congressman way back in high school (40 years ago). Until this process of attaching riders to bills is eliminated, this type of holding up of bills will continue, and it is getting worse with the worsening political attitudes between the two (or three) parties that are out there.

This is a travesty. The whole process of getting bills passed is flawed and needs to be rewritten.

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