The Hispanic Child Support Resource Center Nuestros Hijos, nuestra responsabilidad
Girl with long hair wearing green 4H T-shirt

Tips on Making Presentations / The Audience

The key to satisfying your audience is to understand what they need. So think about standing in their shoes so you can:

  • Understand their concerns.
  • Understand what’s relevant to them.
  • Gauge their knowledge of your topic: What do they already know?
  • Gauge their emotional state: What are they feeling?

How do you find out these things?

  • Ask someone who will be in your audience.
  • Ask someone who has a similar role to those in your audience.
  • Ask the person organizing the event at which you’re speaking.
  • Ask a colleague who has made a presentation to a similar audience.

Once you are delivering your presentation, it’s still important to focus on your audience so you can read their reaction to what you’re saying. Be aware of:

  • Facial expressions.
  • Questions asked.
  • Body language.
  • What else they’re doing (besides listening to you).

Last Update: March 26, 2009 3:00 PM