U.S. Department of Energy Office of Biological and Environmental Research

Searchable Research Highlights


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Mission Science
Sustainable Biofuels
Environmental Cleanup

Scientific Literature
Scientific Computing and SciDAC
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Research Solicitations
User Facilities and Centers
DOE ARM Climate Research Facility
DOE Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL)
DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI)
DOE Bioenergy Research Centers (BRC)
Structural Biology Infrastructure

Research Areas
Atmospheric System Research
DOE ARM Climate Research Facility
Climate Data Management
Terrestrial Ecosystem Science
Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE)
Carbon Cycle, Biosequestration
Climate and Earth System Modeling
Integrated Assessment
Subsurface Biogeochemical Research
DOE Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL)

Genomic Analysis and DNA Sequencing
Systems Biology
Microbes and Communities
Plant Systems and Feedstocks
DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI)
DOE Bioenergy Research Centers (BRC)
Biological Engineering
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Modeling
Structural Biology
Structural Biology Infrastructure
Analytical Research Technologies
Radiochemistry and Instrumentation
Low Dose Radiation, Radiobiology
Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues / Sustainability
Human Genome Project (1990-2003)
Medical Applications


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BER supports basic research and scientific user facilities to advance DOE missions in energy and environment. More about BER

Recent Highlights

Dec 15, 2016
Seedling Responses to Climate Warming May Slow Tree Advance Upslope
Warming and provenance limit tree recruitment across and beyond the elevation range of subalpine [more...]

Nov 28, 2016
Roadmap for Improving the Representation of Photosynthesis in Earth System Models
Researchers identified key model development activities, data needs, and process knowledge impro [more...]

Nov 21, 2016
A Big Step Forward in Designing Drought-Tolerant Bioenergy Crops
Day and night patterns of gene activity in agave reveal key genes involved in a type of photosyn [more...]

Nov 16, 2016
Underutilized Soil Respiration Data Offer Novel Ways to Constrain and Improve Models
Scientists make a case for using soil respiration data to improve understanding and modeling of [more...]

Nov 15, 2016
Understanding Long-Term Trends in Annual Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2
Slow ecosystem responses conditionally regulate annual carbon balance over 15 years in a Califor [more...]