Small Business

Senator Blunt believes that Congress should ensure that the federal government itself isn’t the chief obstacle to growth and job creation. The federal government’s regulatory policies should recognize how private businesses invest, create jobs, and spur economic growth. While it is necessary for the federal government to prevent collusion, protect against the formation of monopolies, monitor fiscal policy, and safeguard consumers when necessary, Senator Blunt understands that government intervention often restricts growth and reduces the private sector’s ability to invest resources and create jobs. The Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy recently released a study that found that federal regulation has an estimated yearly cost of more than $1 trillion on American businesses – money that should be going directly into job creation.

Senator Blunt wants to repeal onerous and unnecessary regulations because the cost to all businesses, particularly to small businesses, is too high. He knows that the vast and often disconnected federal bureaucracy imposes undue burdens on the nation’s job creators. According to the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), small businesses spend an astonishing $74 an hour on paperwork compliance, a crushing burden of time and resources. It’s no wonder Missouri job creators of all kinds are calling on Congress to reduce regulatory burdens and provide needed relief during these difficult economic times.

Senator Blunt knows that small business drives our economy. Over the past 15 years, small businesses have created nearly two-thirds of all new jobs and currently account for just over half of all private sector jobs. Senator Blunt is a firm believer in the power of private enterprise. The federal government’s role in job creation should be to facilitate an economic environment of certainty. Individuals and businesses that risk their resources and money to create jobs and expand should be rewarded and incentivized, not punished with new regulations and taxes.

Senator Blunt has consistently championed policies that allow businesses room to innovate and grow, which is the key to job creation. The Senator continues to support tax policies that are pro-growth and that reward sound business practices, streamline regulatory red tape, and allow businesses to invest their dollars more wisely for their own long-term sustainability and profitability.

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  • The Advice and Consent Restoration Act - ROM13079.pdf (25.5 KBs)