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Disaster Assistance

Agencies of USDA help in many ways in a disaster, but perhaps the most immediate is to ensure that people have enough to eat. There are many concerns following a storm, earthquake, civil disturbance, flood or other disaster, but none is more important than providing food in areas where people may find themselves suddenly, and often critically, in need.

Within USDA, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) Disaster Team is responsible for providing nutrition assistance for disaster-affected areas requiring a Federal response. Through its Food Distribution Programs and Commodity Procurement Programs, USDA assists in three ways:

  • Obtaining appropriate food supplies;

  • Arranging for transportation of those food supplies to the disaster area;

  • Authorizing Disaster SNAP benefits.

  For more about the FNS Role in Disasters, click HERE.  

Latest H1N1 Influenza Information.
Key Disaster Response Links

Last Modified: 11/10/2009


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