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Remark by Ambassador Michael A. Battle on 10 Year Anniversary Remembrance of 9/11

Ten years ago the world was stunned by a monstrous terrorist act which resulted in the massive loss of life that affected persons from all around the world and from various religious and cultural contexts.

The events of 9/11 were unprovoked, unjustified and inhumane.

Today we gather to remember the victims of this vicious attack. The victims were men and women, young and old, rich and poor, religious and non religious. They were persons who had simply gone to work on a beautiful September Day in New York and Washington and had simply taken a flight that ended in a brave and tragic struggle in Pennsylvania. They were the family members, neighbors and friends of those who lost their lives. All of us lost a bit of innocence on September 11, 2001.

The victims were also the emergency responders who came on the scene to render aid. These brave responders are true heroes.

While we remember the victims we also celebrate the tremendous courage of those who, in the thick of the attacks tried to rescue as many people as they could. We remember the courage of those who knowingly gave their lives to prevent terrorists from causing another plane to be used as an instrument of war.

We also remember how the world responded with a determination: a collective decision not to surrender faith and hope. Our remembrance today is a sign of our collective resilience, faith and hope.

With deep gratitude, I recognize the Ethiopian Government for having set aside the first international monument of remembrance of 9/11. On behalf of the victims and the heroes of 9/11, I offer my sincere appreciation to all who have gathered today for the act of remembrance.
