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Summer Work/Travel Program

Summer Work and Travel Program: J Visas

What is the Summer Work and Travel Program?

The Program allows full-time university students the opportunity to work and travel in the United States during the summer vacation for a period of up to four months.

Who may apply to participate in the Summer Work and Travel Program?

Participation in the Summer Work and Travel Program is limited to students who are currently enrolled in a bona fide post-secondary accredited educational institution and are participating full-time toward a degree.

How can a student apply for the Summer Work and Travel Program?

Applications must be made through the representative of a Designated Summer Work and Travel Organization. Your university may be able to help you contact a designated agent. Many advertise through the local media. The two largest agencies here in Estonia are the Southwestern Company and Student Tour

How does the process work?

The agent will assist you in the following steps:

1.The agent of the Designated Organization can help the applicant find a job that coincides with the official university summer vacation.

2.All applicants should complete the new Electronic Visa Application DS-160 and print out the confirmation sheet. 

3.The agent will provide the DS 2019 Form on behalf of the student.

4.The student will provide the agent with a valid passport, the completed electronic visa application(s) and photo, a completed transcript of grades, proof of enrollment, student grade book and the non-refundable visa-processing fee and SEVIS fee. (Please note that agents may choose to charge additional fees for their services.)

5.The agent will submit the student's completed application packet to the U.S. Embassy in Tallinn on the student's behalf.

When the Embassy receives the completed application, the U.S. Embassy in Tallinn will assign an interview date and time and if the visa is issued, the agent will pick it up.

How much should a student expect to earn while in the U.S.?

Sponsors are required to advise program participants about U.S. Federal Minimum Wage requirements, and to ensure that the participants receive the same pay and benefits as received by their American counterparts in the same or similar positions.

How long can I stay in the United States?

Participants may stay for no more than 4 months in the United States. Students must return before the official start date of their university program. (For most Estonian universities this is September 1)

Any student who does not return before the official university start date will jeopardize any future participation in the Summer Work and Travel Program.