For Teachers
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For Parents

Online Safety

See This on

  • Anti-Bullying Laws per State - Find out about your state's laws and policies.
  • Computers and the Internet - Internet Public Library - A special collection for parents and teachers to help kids learn to use computers and the Internet and stay safe.
  • FCC Parents' Place - (Federal Communications Comission) - From the TV to the Internet, your kids are coming into contact with many different communications. Use this site to help you deal with, decipher, and monitor what your kids are watching, reading, and hearing.
  • It's a Noisy Planet - Learn about causes and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss so that your kid—and you—can have healthy hearing.
  • Kids Privacy - Quick Facts - Kids' personal information and privacy are valuable - to you, to them, and to marketers. Fortunately, there are ways you can safeguard that privacy when your kids are online.
  • Kids' Privacy - Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule - The Federal Trade Commission has strengthen kids’ privacy protections and give parents greater control over the personal information that websites and online services may collect from children under 13.
  • Learn the Basics - Learn the basics on using a computer, mobile devices, the internet, social media, and how to help kids be responsible and make informed decisions online. 
  • Parents' Place - Federal Communications Commission - Electronic media have become our children's almost constant companions. Get information about how to improve your children's safety in today's complex media landscape.
  • Report Cyberbullying - Document and report the behavior.
  • Smithsonian Education - Families - Plan your visit to the Smithsonian in Washington, DC.
  • STOP Cyberbullying - Parents - Information about Cyberbullying, Flaming and Cyberstalking, for Kids, Tweens, Teens, Parents, Educators and Law Enforcement.
  • Virtual Worlds and Kids: Mapping the Risks - Many virtual worlds say they're for adults only and try to verify that visitors are over 18 before they can enter.
  • Yahoo! Safely - Learn how to make smart and safer choices online and get advice on using Yahoo! products safely. is the U.S. government's official web portal for kids