Project Description
Image of Ecosystem Degradation in the White Ditch Project Area

Subsidence, erosion, channelization, saltwater intrusion, storm damages, and the absence of freshwater, sediments and nutrients from the Mississippi River have all caused significant adverse impacts to the White Ditch project area, resulting in extensive wetland loss and ecosystem degradation. One of the objectives of this project is to provide additional freshwater, nutrients, and fine sediment to the area between the Mississippi River and River aux Chenes ridges. Additional objectives include restoring functional hydrology and improving habitat conditions for fish and wildlife.

The concept of a ‘medium diversion’ shall serve as a guide in designing the project to meet stated goals and objectives. Through the feasibility study process, numerous alternatives will be developed that implement the strategy of introducing freshwater, nutrients and sediments into the project area. Additionally, supplementary features such as weirs, culverts or beneficially using dredged sediments could be instituted to provide further benefits. With the new structure(s), the introduction of additional freshwater will facilitate organic sediment deposition, improve biological productivity, and prevent further deterioration of the marshes. Existing features that could serve as a guide in designing this project include the Caernarvon Diversion, the West Bay Diversion and the Naomi Siphon.