LCA 6 Final Reports
The following feasibility studies were authorized by Section 7006(e)(3) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007. These reports recommend the construction of coastal restoration features. Please click the link below to read these reports.

LCA 6 Final Reports

Individual Project Reports: Other Documents: *These publications are presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view them.
Program Description

Louisiana's abundant cypress swamps offer beautiful vistas and provide important habitat for many species of fish and wildlife including bald eagles. Similar to other marsh and swamp habitats in the Louisiana coastal zone, cypress forests are disappearing because of factors such as subsidence, hydrologic alteration, and development pressures such as road construction, flood protection and logging. Cypress trees are long-lived species that grow and regenerate very slowly. Some of the restoration efforts in the LCA Plan are focused on swamp health to improve the quantity and quality of these special wetland forests.

Learn more about the LCA Ecosystem Restoration Program

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