Senator Warner was elected in part to bring a business-like approach to government, just like he did as Governor of Virginia. As a member of the Budget Committee, Senator Warner is focused on reducing the growing budget deficit and reducing waste through reforms in government programs and spending.  He devoted his maiden floor speech on fiscal responsibility, and has spent much of his time on the Budget Committee working to increase performance measurements to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely.  In October 2009, he was tapped to chair the Budget Committee's Task Force on Government Performance, which will examine the federal government’s management framework and identify opportunities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of federal programs and services.


Senator Warner's Progress:

  • In March 2009, in his first speech on the Senate floor, Senator Warner discussed the need for greater transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility throughout the federal budget process.
  • In October 2009, Senator Warner was selected to chair the Budget Committee's Bipartisan Task Force on Government Performance.  Click here to learn more about the task force.
  • In January 2010, Senator Warner co-sponsored legislation to create a bipartisan fiscal task force to tackle federal budget spending and deficits.  In an op-ed published in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, he wrote that he supported the creation of the commission because "legislative deal-making too often allows parochial and political considerations to trump the national interest."
  • In June 2010, Senator Warner and Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) began hosting bipartisan meetings to educate themselves and other members of Congress about deficit reduction and tax reform. On December 20, 2010 the Senators announced they will introduce a bill early next year based on the report from the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, in order to "get the ball rolling" on tackling the debt.You can read more about their work here

Recent News on Fiscal Responsibility

Here is what Senator Warner has been doing recently regarding fiscal responsibility:

February 2013
  • 02/12/13 -
    It's "Up to Us"
    Senator Warner stopped by the University of Virginia yesterday to speak to the "Up to Us" campaign about the deficit and debt. Up to Us is a student-led campaign to educate young people about the nation's fiscal issues.
January 2013
  • 01/11/13 -
    WHSV TV: Warner Addresses Fiscal Crisis, Sequester
    Senator Warner appeared yesterday on Harrisonburg’s WHSV to speak about the pressing national issues surrounding the federal budget, including sequestration and the recent fiscal deal.
December 2012
  • 12/05/12 -
    Senator Warner on Rumble in the Morning
    Senator Warner called into Norfolk's FM99 this morning to talk fiscal cliff negotiations. As Rumble in the Morning's Rick Rumble put it, "this is not a bit. It is the real Senator Mark Warner on Rumble in the Morning."
November 2012
  • 11/30/12 -
    Radio Round Robin
    Senator Warner called into three morning radio shows in Virginia today to discuss the looming fiscal cliff. He spoke with John Fredericks, whose morning show is broadcast in Norfolk, Richmond and Northern Virginia, and he also dialed-in to WRVA in Richmond and Washington’s WTOP Radio.
  • 11/29/12 -
    "Skyping" with the Virginia Chamber
    Senator Warner “Skyped” into Williamsburg today as a keynote speaker for the Virginia Chamber of Commerce’s Economic Summit, and spoke about his efforts in Congress to find bipartisan consensus on a rational and responsible plan to avoid the fiscal cliff.
  • 11/28/12 -
    Tweeting the #fiscalcliff
    Senator Warner held another Twitter town hall on Tuesday, fielding questions from constituents across the Commonwealth on issues as diverse as taxes, education and energy -- and even UVa’s football struggles during their 4-8 season.
  • 11/27/12 -
    Senator Warner talks budget, sequestration with WAVY
    Senator Warner talked to WAVY Norfolk’s Art Kohn yesterday afternoon about finding a bipartisan solution to upcoming automatic spending cuts.“[These] would be the worst kind of cuts: unplanned, across the board,” Senator Warner said.
  • 11/14/12 -
    A Bipartisan Bridge over the Fiscal Cliff
    There’s a big downside if we fail – and a tremendous upside if we succeed.” That’s how Senator Warner summed up the current situation in Washington as Congress and the White House discuss ways to avoid the looming fiscal cliff – the combination of defense spending cuts and the expiration of tax cuts set to occur simultaneously at the beginning of the new year.
  • 11/08/12 -
    "Every day that we don't act, this problem gets tougher"
    “The election's over and the American people have spoken,” Senator Warner told NPR’s Melissa Block yesterday in an interview about working with the so-called “Gang of Eight” to avoid the fiscal cliff.
October 2012
  • 10/25/12 -
    "The Biggest Risk our Country Faces"
    CEOs of more than 80 big American corporations voiced support today for a comprehensive, bipartisan deficit reduction plan in a joint statement organized by the bipartisan Fix the Debt campaign. The statement calls on Congress to pass a deficit reduction package that includes tax reform that raises new revenue, entitlement reforms and spending cuts
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