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Coastal Relief Model detail of Monterey Bay.

U.S. Coastal Relief Model

crm image map volume 9 volume 10 volume 1 volume 2 volume 3 volume 4 volume 5 volume 6 volume 7 volume 8
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NGDC's 3 arc-second U.S. Coastal Relief Model (CRM) provides the first comprehensive view of the U.S. coastal zone, integrating offshore bathymetry with land topography into a seamless representation of the coast. The CRM spans the U.S. East and West Coasts, the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii, reaching out to, and in places even beyond, the continental slope.

Bathymetric data sources include the U.S. National Ocean Service Hydrographic Database, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and various other academic institutions. Topographic data are from the USGS and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). Volumes 3 through 5 also use bathymetric contours from the International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico project.

The CRM database contains grids, or digital elevation models (DEMs), of the entire coastal zone of the conterminous U.S., as well as Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Bathymetry of the Great Lakes and more detailed DEMs of select U.S. coastal areas, including Alaska, are also available.

How to Cite These Data:

NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, U.S. Coastal Relief Model, Retrieved date goes here,