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U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Help on Searching ASPE's website

We have added several enhanced searches of our reports and other products.  You can search by topic, as well as by population or program studied.  All of our products are available:  reports, projects, research briefs, research summaries, issue briefs, conferences and events, presentations, testimony, data sets, web sites created by projects, etc. The ASPE home page shows the main topics.  Hold the mouse over a topic to see its sub-topics.  Click on a sub-topic to see a list of our products for that sub-topic.  Click on a main topic to see all the products for all the topic’s sub-topics.

You can see our products by program and by target population; just click on the program or population of interest.

The results are presented “most recent first” and show the title, abstract, author, contractor or performer, and publication date.  Products we want to highlight will be displayed first, then our regular products.  Older, archived, or superceded products require an additional click to see them, but remain on our web site in the section called “Older or Archived Products.”

After listing the items the search found, the results page shows a button for “Related Information.” Related Information includes annotated links to key governmental and other web sites and reports related to the topic and sub-topic chosen.

If the search is for report-type products, the results page also shows a button for “Related Projects” on which you will see the projects for the displayed reports.

Additional searches:

  • An advanced search that allows you to fill-in boxes to search the report’s keywords, report title, abstract, author, etc.  On the advanced search page, additional options are available to control the sort order, the number of results displayed per page, the amount of information displayed for each item, and how recent the items returned by the search are. You can also search by Program, Population, and State.
  • An ASPE-office search that displays reports and other products by ASPE-office.
  • A Google search of the text of all ASPE products on the web site.  This allows the visitor to search for words or phrases in the body of the product itself.