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KEO National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory NOAA
Kuroshio Extension Observatory (KEO)
  Data from the KEO Mooring Site Nominally at 32.4°N, 144.6°E
Please note:  Although the nominal location of the KEO mooring is  32.4°N 144.6°E the actual anchor location has varied by as much as  20 km from this position during the multiple deployments.   The KEO mooring utilizes a slack line design and its watch circle is  approximately 13 km in diameter.  A composite plot of position data from all deployments can be viewed here and the watch circle for the present deployment can  be viewed here.   The buoy position time series is available in ascii or netcdf  format and is included in the OceanSITES data files

Also note that since this is a slack-line mooring, the length along the mooring line cannot be used as a proxy for sensor  depths, which will at times be shallower. Instead, you must use the water pressure, which is measured by several sensors, and calculated at the others, to determine sensor depths.

You may find documentation on most of the data file formats in the readme files located here. Example fortran programs to read most of the files are available here

KEO data in OceanSITES NetCDF format (OceanSITES Home):
FTP sites for KEO data in ASCII and OceanSITES NetCDF format:
You can use the links below to browse files in the FTP site, login anonymously to and cd keodata, or write a script to download files automatically.

Links to various ASCII files and a Position plot are below:
Real-Time and Delayed-Mode Daily Average Data in ASCII Format:
Surface Met Wind Relative Humidity Solar and Longwave Radiation Rain Rate
Air Temp Sea Surface Temp Water Temp Water Pressure Ocean Current
Salinity Density
Dynamic Height
sea surface referenced to 500db
Heat Content
sea surface to 300m depth
Delayed-Mode High Resolution Data in ASCII Format:
Surface Met Wind Relative Humidity Solar and Longwave Radiation Rain Rate
Air Temp Sea Surface Temp 10-minute Water Temp

10 Minute Water Pressure

Hourly Water Temp

Hourly Water Pressure
10-minute Ocean Current
20-minute Ocean Current
Real-Time High Resolution Data in ASCII Format:
Surface Meteorological
Engineering Data in ASCII Format:
Daily Positions Position Plot

(All Deployments)
Load Cell

  Special Periods
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