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Prevent Identity Fraud

The SSA Death Master File is used by leading financial and credit firms as well as government agencies to match records and prevent identity fraud. To assist in this effort, NTIS and SSA are working together to offer the SSA Death Master File more frequently and with fewer delays. By methodically running financial, credit, and other applications against the Death Master File, the financial community, insurance companies, security firms and state and local governments are better able to identify and prevent identity fraud. Both the weekly and monthly updates are now offered electronically via https, reducing handling and production time. Visit http://www.ntis.gov/products/ssa-dmf.aspx for further information.

The Death Master File (DMF) from the Social Security Administration (SSA) contains over 83 million records of deaths that have been reported to SSA. This file includes the following information on each decedent, if the data are available to the SSA: social security number, name, date of birth, date of death, state or country of residence (2/88 and prior), ZIP code of last residence, and ZIP code of lump sum payment. The SSA does not have a death record for all persons; therefore, SSA does not guarantee the veracity of the file. Thus, the absence of a particular person is not proof this person is alive.

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