Kyrgyz Republic

  • USAID supports income-generating activities in the communities of Jalal-Abad province for building peace and friendship among various ethnic groups. Credit: Civil Society Support Center

  • USAID’s Kyrgyz Agro-Input Enterprise Development Project assisted in bringing back into production 1,677 hectares of degraded land that had not been in use for over 20 years. This intervention has had a positive impact on over 10,500 people. Credit: USAID

  • USAID helped communities in Kyrgyzstan reorganize water distribution so farmers have enough water.

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  • USAID’s Quality Leaning Project supported early learning activities for over 2,500 school-aged children at summer school training courses, helping children and their families be better prepared for the school year. Credit: Georgey Kolotov

  • USAID’s youth project, has provided life skills training for more than 340 orphans from 12 orphanages. Credit: USAID

Mamasabyt Raiyimberdy uulu with friends at the Summer Education Camp
A Teenager Starts School Thanks to USAID
Credit: IFDC
From Underachiever to Progressive Farmer
The medic training program emphasizes practicing new skills.
First Aid Training Saves Child’s Life


With USAID assistance, Kyrgyzstan has made substantial progress in the areas of economic growth, democratic governance, health-care reform, improvement of basic education and agricultural development. However, significant impediments to development remain, including widespread corruption, low foreign investment, high unemployment and endemic poverty.

Approximately one-third of Kyrgyzstan’s workforce is employed abroad, draining the country of its qualified labor and reducing the availability of services. The implementation of democratic reforms remains a challenge, and limited energy resources and low agricultural productivity leave the country susceptible to humanitarian crises.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

Carey Gordon, Country Director
USAID Kygryzstan
171 Mira Avenue
+996 (312) 551-241

Headquarters Contact

Eric Rudenshiold, Desk Officer
U.S. Agency for International Development
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
(202) 712-0141

Mission Director

Last updated: February 22, 2013

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