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The information presented within these web pages is for general public release. The information is not represented as being official, nor complete. This website is best viewed at 1024x768 pixel resolution.

This is a Department of Defense (DOD) interest computer system. All DOD computer systems are subject to monitoring at all times to ensure proper functioning of equipment and systems, including security devices, to prevent unauthorized use and violations of statutes and security regulations, to deter criminal activity, and for other similar purposes. If monitoring of this or any other DOD computer system reveals possible evidence of violations of criminal statutes, this evidence and any other related information, including identification about the user may be provided to law enforcement officials.

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Program Executive Office Spacer Program Executive Officer Picture Program Executive Officer Picture Spacer Program Executive Officer
Scott J. Davis

Click here for Biography
Program Executive Officer Biography
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Thomas Bagwell

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Click here for Ground Combat Vehicles
PM GCV | PM Bio | DPM Bio
Click here for Armored Brigade Combat Team
PM ABCT | PM Bio | DPM Bio
Click here for Stryker Brigade Combat Team
PM SBCT | PM Bio | DPM Bio
Click here for RSJPO

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