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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Tobacco Products

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FDA Tobacco Regulations Digital Communication Tools


Overview & Purpose

The FDA Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) has developed a suite of digital communication tools to help you learn about the latest federal tobacco rules and regulations including those restricting the sale and distribution of tobacco products.

These tools are part of a larger campaign titled “Break the Chain of Tobacco Addiction” targeted to retailers, trade associations, and state and local agencies working to prevent and control tobacco addiction. In addition to the digital tools below, CTP is employing traditional communication channels such as direct mail, earned media and stakeholder discussion sessions.


Education Campaign Tools


FDA Tobacco Products
Web Site
Website Icon
Delivers the latest tobacco regulations, education, prevention and control information from the FDA. Includes information for retailers, consumers, industry, manufacturers, and health professionals. Visit the following Web pages:
Email Updates
E-mail Icon
Provides email updates on tobacco products including regulation, labeling, retailer, manufacturing, and advertising information.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds
rss icon
Enables syndicated subscription to the latest tobacco news and information for retailers in near real-time.
WEB 2.0
widget icon
Syndicates CTP tobacco content via a widget application to empower retailers, state partners and others to get the latest CTP information in near-real time. Test your Tobacco regulations knowledge with the interactive quiz.
Twitter Icon
Provides the latest updates on FDA tobacco regulations, education, prevention, and control.
Content Syndication
Syndication Icon
Enables retailers and state/local partners to syndicate FDA tobacco guidance and latest information on their existing tobacco-related pages.
Audio Podcast Series
podcast icon
Delivers a podcast series that updates tobacco retailers on the new regulations in a user-friendly portable format.

 Listen to podcasts:

Sharable Badge/Button
badge icon
Provides sharable graphic badge/buttons of varying sizes for advocacy organizations, consumers, retailers, and partners to post to their Web sites, blogs or other social media spaces to promote the “Break the Chain of Tobacco Addiction” campaign.

Get a Badge/Button:

