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Childress Municipal Airport
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WeatherSky Cond. Temperature (ºF)Relative
PressurePrecipitation (in.)
AirDwpt6 hour altimeter
sea level
1 hr 3 hr6 hr
1212:53E 13 G 2510.00FairCLR5524 553930%30.281024.8
1211:53E 21 G 3110.00Fair and BreezyCLR5225 35%30.261024.2
1210:53NE 21 G 3110.00Fair and BreezyCLR4928 44%30.241023.8
1209:53NE 17 G 2910.00FairCLR4524 44%30.201022.4
1208:53NE 16 G 2610.00FairCLR4327 53%30.141020.3
1207:53NE 13 G 2110.00FairCLR4126 55%30.081018.0
1206:53NE 1310.00FairCLR3926 463760%30.021015.8
1205:53NE 1510.00FairCLR3727 67%29.961013.8
1204:53NE 910.00FairCLR4025 55%29.901011.7
1203:53SE 910.00FairCLR3924 55%29.891011.4
1202:53SE 1310.00FairCLR4224 49%29.901011.5
1201:53SE 1210.00FairCLR4524 44%29.921012.3
1200:53SE 1310.00FairCLR4625 694644%29.931012.8
1123:53SE 1310.00FairCLR4825 41%29.941013.3
1122:53SE 1010.00FairCLR5026 39%29.941013.4
1121:53SE 810.00FairCLR5126 38%29.921013.1
1120:53SE 1010.00FairCLR5424 31%29.911013.0
1119:53E 610.00FairCLR5925 27%29.911012.9
1118:53Calm10.00FairCLR6921 715916%29.911012.5
1117:53N 510.00FairCLR7120 14%29.931013.0
1116:53W 510.00FairCLR6921 16%29.941013.4
1115:53Calm10.00FairCLR6720 17%29.961014.3
1114:53NW 710.00FairCLR6620 17%29.971014.7
1113:53Vrbl 6 G 1610.00FairCLR6221 21%30.011016.2
1112:53W 1010.00FairCLR5922 592424%30.051017.4
1111:53W 810.00FairCLR5222 31%30.071018.5
1110:53W 510.00FairCLR4522 40%30.081019.1
1109:53W 310.00FairCLR3921 48%30.101019.6
1108:53W 310.00FairCLR2920 69%30.091019.6
1107:53W 310.00FairCLR2719 72%30.081019.2
1106:53NW 610.00FairCLR2819 312669%30.081019.0
1105:53NW 810.00FairCLR2719 72%30.071019.0
1104:53NW 810.00FairCLR2719 72%30.091019.4
1103:53NW 710.00FairCLR2718 69%30.101019.8
1102:53NW 710.00FairCLR2818 66%30.131020.7
1101:53NW 610.00FairCLR2918 63%30.131020.7
1100:53NW 910.00FairCLR3018 463061%30.141021.2
1023:53NW 1010.00FairCLR3418 52%30.141021.0
1022:53N 710.00FairCLR3516 46%30.141021.2
1021:53N 1410.00FairCLR3915 38%30.121020.4
1020:53N 16 G 2210.00FairCLR4116 36%30.101019.6
1019:53N 1310.00FairCLR4316 34%30.081018.7
1018:53N 23 G 2910.00Fair and BreezyCLR4615 504629%30.051017.7
1017:53N 28 G 3310.00Overcast and WindyOVC0704617 31%30.041017.3
1016:53N 21 G 3010.00Partly Cloudy and BreezySCT0704816 28%30.041017.2
1015:53N 28 G 3610.00Partly Cloudy and WindySCT0654918 29%30.031016.9
1014:53N 25 G 3910.00A Few Clouds and BreezyFEW0604917 28%30.041016.9
1013:53NW 31 G 4010.00A Few Clouds and WindyFEW0754818 30%30.051017.3
1012:53N 26 G 3310.00A Few Clouds and WindyFEW0704622 464038%30.061017.8
1011:53N 30 G 3910.00Overcast and WindySCT040 SCT049 OVC0604423 43%30.061017.4
1010:53N 35 G 4710.00Overcast and WindyOVC0364124 51%30.021016.2
1009:53N 33 G 4610.00Overcast and WindyOVC0344026 58%30.001015.4
1008:53N 25 G 3610.00Overcast and BreezyOVC0344026 58%29.991015.2
1007:53N 33 G 4310.00Mostly Cloudy and WindySCT030 BKN0414027 60%29.931012.9
1006:53NW 28 G 3910.00Overcast and WindyBKN034 OVC0454029 484065%29.911012.1
1005:53NW 28 G 3710.00Overcast and WindySCT038 OVC0704128 60%29.881010.9
1004:53NW 32 G 4010.00Mostly Cloudy and WindyFEW042 BKN0604226 53%29.861010.1
1003:53NW 13 G 2310.00OvercastFEW040 OVC0554429 55%29.881010.6
1002:53N 1410.00OvercastOVC0384429 55%29.861010.2
1001:53N 21 G 2810.00Fair and BreezyCLR4529 54%29.841009.4
1000:53NW 22 G 2910.00Fair and BreezyCLR4833 654856%29.821008.6
0923:53NW 24 G 3110.00Fair and BreezyCLR5329 40%29.721005.1
0922:53W 1610.00FairCLR5719 23%29.701004.5
0921:53W 1810.00FairCLR5818 21%29.721004.9
0920:53W 1610.00FairCLR6020 21%29.711004.6
0919:53W 1510.00FairCLR6119 20%29.681003.5
0918:53W 22 G 3010.00Fair and BreezyCLR6520 726518%29.671003.0
0917:53W 29 G 3310.00Overcast and WindyOVC1006722 18%29.661002.7
0916:53W 28 G 3710.00Mostly Cloudy and WindyBKN1006726 21%29.661002.8
0915:53W 28 G 3910.00Mostly Cloudy and WindyBKN1106925 19%29.671002.9
0914:53W 30 G 3910.00Partly Cloudy and WindyFEW100 SCT1106928 22%29.681003.2
0913:53W 32 G 4510.00Partly Cloudy and WindySCT1007029 22%29.711004.3
WeatherSky Cond. AirDwptMax.Min.Relative
sea level
1 hr3 hr6 hr
6 hour
Temperature (ºF)PressurePrecipitation (in.)

National Weather Service
Southern Region Headquarters
Fort Worth, Texas
Last Modified: June 14, 2005
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