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Geography: National

Grouped Demographics:
By Total
Total36.7%34.0% / 39.5% (CI)
By Prefix; Educational Attainment
(Of mother, 25 years and over); < High school38.2%29.1% / 47.2% (CI)
(Of mother, 25 years and over); High school30.0%24.6% / 35.3% (CI)
(Of mother, 25 years and over); Some college36.7%29.9% / 43.5% (CI)
(Of mother, 25 years and over); Associates degree34.0%27.7% / 40.3% (CI)
(Of mother, 25 years and over); 4-year college degree39.5%33.4% / 45.7% (CI)
(Of mother, 25 years and over); Advanced degree44.7%38.7% / 50.7% (CI)
By Sex
Male37.4%33.5% / 41.3% (CI)
Female36.0%32.4% / 39.6% (CI)
By Race Ethnicity
White only37.4%34.3% / 40.5% (CI)
Black or African American only32.8%26.2% / 39.4% (CI)
American Indian or Alaska Native only32.9%26.2% / 39.7% (CI)
Asian onlyDSU
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander onlyDSU
2 or more racesDSU
Hispanic or Latino42.5%34.4% / 50.6% (CI)
Not Hispanic or Latino
White only, non-Hispanic34.7%32.1% / 37.4% (CI)
Black or African American only, non-HispanicDSU
By Country Of Birth
US36.4%33.6% / 39.2% (CI)
Outside USDSU
By Geography
Metropolitan39.5%36.5% / 42.6% (CI)
Non-metropolitan19.3%15.7% / 22.9% (CI)
By Income And Poverty Status
Family income (percent Federal Poverty Limit)
<100%37.7%29.9% / 45.4% (CI)
100-199%31.7%25.7% / 37.8% (CI)
200-399%37.2%32.6% / 41.9% (CI)
400-599%39.0%34.6% / 43.4% (CI)
600+%36.8%29.7% / 43.9% (CI)