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NASA Office of Small Business Programs, Where Small Business Makes a Big Difference

NASA Small Business Improvement Plan (SBIP)

The Office of Small Business Programs hosts, annually, an internal two-day agency meeting that focuses on improving NASA's Small Business Program. The participants—Small Business Specialists from each NASA center and representatives from the HQ Mission Directorates, Office of Procurement, and Office of General Council--work collaboratively to determine how best to accomplish this purpose. The result is the NASA Small Business Improvement Plan (SBIP), three initiatives to be implemented agency-wide the following fiscal year.

Fiscal Year 2013

The NASA Small Business Improvement Plan initiatives for fiscal years 2012 and 2013 for Agency-wide implementation are listed below.

Develop a small business advocacy program that fosters a collaborative environment that increases the level of engagement of NASA program, technical, and procurement organizations.

Knowledge Management
Improve the collection, management, and effective communication of small business data, information, and processes.

Develop an innovative, NASA-wide small business outreach program with quantifiable outcomes.

Fiscal Year 2012

The NASA Small Business Improvement Plan initiatives for fiscal years 2012 and 2013 for Agency-wide implementation are listed below.

Develop a small business advocacy program that fosters a collaborative environment that increases the level of engagement of NASA program, technical, and procurement organizations.

Knowledge Management
Improve the collection, management, and effective communication of small business data, information, and processes.

Develop an innovative, NASA-wide small business outreach program with quantifiable outcomes.

Fiscal Year 2011

The NASA Small Business Improvement Plan initiatives for fiscal year 2011 for Agency-wide implementation are listed below.

Technical Liaison
Engage the small business specialist in the strategic planning phase of NASA programs.
Improve small business contracting and subcontracting by developing Agency procedures.
Implement innovative ways to increase opportunities for small businesses in NASA’s research and technology programs.

Fiscal Year 2010

The NASA Small Business Improvement Plan initiatives for fiscal year 2010 for Agency-wide implementation are listed below.

Improve the Accuracy of Data Collection and Reporting
Continuously improve and implement integrated methods, tools, and training for accurate data input and retrieval.

Expand In-reach / Outreach Activities
Continue to facilitate early collaboration between subcontractors, NASA program and technical communities, and procurement offices to enhance an understanding of stakeholder requirements, small businesses, and NASA contractors in an effort to maximize opportunities for small businesses.

Provide Specialized Training
Provide training to the NASA workforce and contractor community to increase their understanding of NASA’s Small Business Programs.

Fiscal Year 2009

The NASA Small Business Improvement Plan initiatives for fiscal year 2009 for Agency-wide implementation are listed below.

Ensure Accurate Data & Reporting
Establish integrated methods and tools for accurate data input and retrieval.

Facilitate early collaboration between small businesses and the NASA program/technical communities to enhance an understanding of stakeholder requirements in an effort to maximize opportunities for small business participation.

Standardized Training
Train NASA contracting, management, and technical staff in order to increase the utilization of NASA’s Small Business Programs.

Fiscal Year 2008

The NASA Small Business Improvement Plan initiatives for fiscal year 2008 for Agency-wide implementation are listed below.

Ensure Accurate Reporting and Data
Establish a standardized method for accurate data input and retrieval.

Improve Actuals and Goals
Increase the use of set-aside authorities to meet at least two additional socio-economic goals and improve performance on one other unmet prime goal; take on a more proactive practice to meet subcontracting goals.

Obtain Management Commitment
Demonstrate management commitment to the Small Business Program by inserting standard small business performance evaluation criteria into the performance appraisal for NASA acquisition personnel; require performance evaluation procedures for prime contractors related to small business subcontracting.


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