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NASA Office of Small Business Programs, Where Small Business Makes a Big Difference

Small Business Industry Awards

The Small Business Industry Awards (SBIA) recognizes the outstanding Small Business Prime, Small Business Subcontractor, and Large Business Prime that support NASA in achieving its mission.

For additional information contact the Small Business Specialist at the NASA Center that you support.

Small Business Industry Awards (SBIA) will be made in three categories: (1) Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year, (2) Small Business Subcontractor of the Year, and (3) Large Business Prime Contractor of the Year. Selection criteria in each of these categories are as follows:

Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year

  1. Performs well on all NASA contracts—i.e., is on schedule and within cost
  2. Exhibits responsiveness to contractual requirements, works cooperatively with contracting officials and program personnel, limits subcontracting to large businesses
  3. Provides innovative solutions to problems / issues that arise in the contract

Small Business Subcontractor of the Year

  1. Performs well as subcontractor on NASA contracts
  2. Provides value-added and outstanding support—on schedule and within cost—to the prime contractor and innovative solutions to problems / issues that arise in the execution of the contract
  3. Works cooperatively with NASA and prime contractor personnel

Large Business Prime Contractor of the Year

  1. Performs well on all NASA contracts
  2. Demonstrates overall sound small business programs, meets or exceeds small business requirements, uses small business contractors to perform some technical requirements of the contract during contract execution
  3. Sponsors / participates in outreach activities
Center Awards
(Industry Awards)
Agency Awards
(Small Business Industry Awards)

Small Business
Prime Contractor of the Year

Small Business
Prime Contractor of the Year

Small Business
Subcontractor of the Year

Small Business
Subcontractor of the Year

Large Business
Prime Contractor of the Year

Large Business
Prime Contractor of the Year


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