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Thursday, February 14, 2013

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Technology Training Lab Schedule

The Scientific Library  houses a Technology Training Lab for hands-on training purposes. The facility includes:

  • 10 computers
  • Instructor's computer with classroom management system
  • Seating for up to 20 people
  • Projector and screen
  • DVD player and surround sound
  • Digital video recording system
The Library offers classes and customized training in the lab, and it is available for use by Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research groups that need a space for training. Individuals may also reserve this space to practice presentations.

The Library staff welcomes your inquiries into using the Technology Training Lab for your specific training needs. Please complete the Technology Training Lab Request Form.  The Policy for Use of Scientific Library Technology Training Lab provides important information for potential users.

The lab schedule is accessible by clicking the link below. The current month will display, showing all scheduled uses. You can view the schedules for future months by using the navigation links above the calendar.