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EAR Program sponsored project: Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
EAR Program sponsored project:
The FHWA Exploratory Advanced Research (EAR) Program is sponsoring a research project titled "Behavioral Sciences Approach to Testing, Validating, and Establishing Best Practices for Alternative Highway Revenue Collection" lead by the University of Central Florida. The research team's specific vision derives from a belief that one must understand some fundamental behavioral characteristics of individuals in order to properly understand traffic behavior, and to design best practices for highway revenue collection. Thus their experimental approach involves a significant focus on the rigorous measurement of these characteristics, and the extent to which they vary across different segments of the relevant driving population.The approach is focused on characterizing drivers in terms of their value of time, risk attitude, accuracy of risk perception and discount rate. For more information, see
David Kuehn01/21/2011 6:16 PM 
Is anyone conducting research in these areas?Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
Is anyone conducting research in these areas?
Anthony Homan01/13/2011 2:50 PM 
What are you researching?Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
What are you researching?
MJ Fiocco1 

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