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Suspicious Package Safety Procedures, Continued Vigilance and Situational Awareness

Working Together to Make the Department of Commerce a More Secure Environment for All

The Office of Security provides policies, programs, and oversight as it collaborates with:

  • Facility managers to reduce the terrorism risks to DOC personnel and facilities;
  • Program managers to reduce the espionage risks to DOC personnel, information and facilities;
  • Department and bureau leadership to increase emergency preparedness for DOC operations.


Reducing Terrorism & Espionage Risks, Increasing  Emergency Preparedness

DOC Office of Security
 Photo of Guards Console

Role of Commerce Employees
     in reducing terrorism risks:

Know what to be aware of and what to report to the appropriate authorities, including

  • Individuals videotaping, photographing, taking notes on, or drawing maps of facilities.
  • Abandoned, unattended, or overloaded
    cars or trucks.
  • Individuals asking questions regarding
    security, employees and their schedules,  facilities, and activities.

  • Unattended briefcases or packages,
    and individuals not displaying proper
    building identification.


Role of Commerce Employees
in reducing espionage risks:
  • Know that the threat of espionage still exists.
  • Safeguard sensitive and classified documents.
  • Report encounters with anyone, including co-workers and foreign nationals, who request classified information, want more information  than they need to know, or act suspiciously.
Photo of Emergency Operations Center
Emergency Management
Photo of Emergency Situations
Role of Commerce Employees in
  increasing emergency preparedness:
  • Report any and all emergency information to the appropriate authorities.
  • Follow coordinated guidance issued for evacuation and/or shelter-in-place.
  • Support your organization’s ability to continue its critical missions.




US Department of Commerce, Office of Security, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Direct inquiries about this page to the Webmaster.