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NOAA>NWS>NCEP>OPC> Products Loops Information


Product Loops


The Product Loops page is an index of the latest analysis and forecast charts available for viewing in a sequential loop. The individual loop pages allow the user to monitor the progression and evolution of current weather and oceanic wave systems.

Button Functions:

  • Start/Stop is used for starting and stopping the looping.
  • Loop/Rock is used to toggle between looping and rocking back-and-forth.
  • "< , >" are used for single stepping, forward and backward. The left- and right-arrow keys on the keyboard may also be used for this purpose.
  • "<| |>" are used for going immediately to the first or last frame in the sequence.
  • The Slider Bar is used for increasing and decreasing the animation rate. The speed will increase if the bar is slid to the right, and decrease if slid to the left.
  • Toggle buttons are the small boxes beneath The Slider Bar. As each frame is looped through, the box corresponding to the current frame will change color. If the left button is clicked while the moise pointer is on a box, the corresponding frame will be disabled/enabled. If the right button is clicked while the moise pointer is on a box, the program will show that frame.
  • Zoom/Reset is used to increase and decrease the magnification of the loop at the pointer location. The magnification will increase by one factor for each left mouse click, and decrease by one factor for each right mouse click. An enlarged image can be realigned by holding the left or right mouse button down and dragging it to a different location. Reset will restore the loop to the normal magnification.
  • Refresh is used to force a reload of the product files.
  • Show is used to show a single frame by itself in the browser. It allows the user to save and print the frame. This button is only active when looping is stopped.

    Problems or Questions?

    NOAA/ National Weather Service
    National Centers for Environmental Prediction
    NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP)
    Ocean Prediction Center
    Mr. Anthony Siebers
    NCWCP, W/NP41
    5830 University Research Court
    College Park, Maryland 20740-3818

    Phone: 301-683-1520
    Fax: 301-683-1501 (SDM), 301-683-1545 (back office-administrative)

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    E-mail: (Tony Siebers, Kathy Bell, Robert Daniels, James Kells, Michael Rowland, Robert Oszajca)

    Page last modified:  Thursday, August 11, 2011 19:01:52 UTC