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__________________________ FOREST RECLAMATION ADVISORIES __________________________ FORESTRY RECLAMATION APPROACH __________________________
__________________________ MINED LAND REFORESTATION CONFERENCES __________________________ PLANTING TREES ON LEGACY MINES __________________________ REFORESTATION AWARDS __________________________ REFORESTATION RESEARCH __________________________ STATE AND PRIVATE NURSERIES __________________________ STATEMENT OF MUTUAL INTENT






To begin ARRI, the Core Team was established in early 2004. ARRI's Core Team is comprised of representatives from the Department of the Interior’s Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM); the State government agencies that regulate coal mining in Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia; and the Tennessee Federal Program.

The primary role of the Core Team is to promote the planting of high-value hardwood trees on surface mines in Appalachia using the Forestry Reclamation Approach. This is done by public education, creating awareness, formal trainings, and expanding partnerships. Core Team responsibilities include monthly meetings to discuss on-going projects and partnership opportunities in each State, annual Arbor Day tree-planting events in each State, an annual reforestation conference and field tour, and other events promoting public awareness about reforesting surface mines.

Click here for a complete list of the Core Team Contacts.


In March of 2005, the ARRI Science Team was established to ensure that the methods ARRI promotes are based on proven science and research, and to guarantee the continued scientific research into forestry reclamation.

The Science Team includes thirty-four active members representing 18 prominent colleges and universities, The American Bird Conservancy, The American Chestnut Foundation, the U.S. Office of Surface Mining, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the U.S. Forest Service. Members consist of forest ecologists, silviculturalists, mining engineers, soil scientists, hydrologists, forest economists, forest physiologists, and forestry reclamation specialists. The Science Team provides scientific information on forestry reclamation and specific advice on selected tree planting projects.

The Science Team also authors and distributes a series of papers entitled Forest Reclamation Advisories. The purpose of these Advisories is to transfer information on forestry reclamation to the public in an easy to understand format. The Science Team Members and their contact information are listed below.

Click here for the complete list of Science Team Contacts.

Read the Science Team's Green Forest Works for Appalachia Proposal in Adobe Reader.