Maternal and Child Health Research Program

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Phase 6: Observe Reporting Requirements

Once all conditions have been met, the Grants Management office releases the funds and the project begins. Throughout the year, the grantee should call the project officer if they have any questions about the grant process and to inform them of project progress. The project officer will introduce the grantee to other grantees in their program area.

  • A written response to the review summary statement is due within 45 days of receipt of your award.
  • IRB Approval or exemption is due within 45 days of receipt of your award.
  • A financial report is required within 90 days of the end of each budget period. It must be submitted electronically through the HRSA EHBs. The report is an accounting of expenditures under the project that year. Please note that the Federal government has replaced the PSC 272 and the SF 269 (FSR) forms with one form, the Federal Financial Report (FFR) also known as the SF 425. Effective April 1, 2010, all HRSA grantees will no longer submit the SF 269 (FSR) but will instead submit the SF 425 electronically via the Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). One hundred and twenty (120) days after the end of the budget period, the grantee is required to go back into the EHB to finalize any data that may have changed in their non-competing continuation application.
  • A postaward performance report, to be completed in HRSA's Electronic Handbooks (EHBs), is due within 120 days following receipt of each Notification of Grant Award.
  • About 90 days prior to the Year 1 or Year 2 project end date, the grantee will receive notification that a noncompeting continuation application will be due within approximately 30-60 days. Grantees also receive noncompeting continuation application guidance and deadlines. Grantees must submit noncompeting continuation applications in a timely fashion, using and the Electronic Handbooks (EHB). MCHB program officials review these reports to determine whether or not the grantee is making satisfactory progress as outlined in the original application and to review performance measures and administrative data. Upon satisfactory review, a new notice of grant award is processed to provide funding for the next project year.
  • For R40 Multiyear grants, an electronic mid-project progress report (two pages) is due during Year 2 of the project.
  • A Final Report is due within 90 days after the end date of the entire project period.
  • If you will be requesting a 1-year no-cost extension of the project period, a progress report will be due at the time of submitting the request for the no-cost extension.

The project officer will provide grantees with more detail about each of these reporting requirements upon receipt of the grant award.

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