U.S. National Institute of Health www.cancer.gov National Cancer Institute
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National Cancer Institute

Program Areas

NCI's IMAT Program funds Technology Development in the following program areas:

  • Innovative Technology Development for Cancer Research
  • Emerging Technology Development for Cancer Research
  • Innovative and Applied Emerging Technologies in Biospecimen Science

The IMAT program is also committed to supporting research and development in the following areas:

  • Education and Training - In collaboration with the NCI’s Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities, supplemental awards are available from the NCI for investigator communities to increase the recruitment, retention, and training of pre- and post-doctoral students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Communications, Outreach, and Strategic Partnerships - Provides an overview of IMAT’s strategic collaborations and partnerships with academia, industry, and other offices and initiatives within the federal government to further advance innovative and transformative technologies.