What You Are Writing About


Top concerns from Idahoans

Each year, I hear from thousands of Idahoans who write, e-mail, fax and call my offices to let me know how they feel about issues facing our country today. On average, I receive approximately 1,000 letters and e-mails a week. In recent years, an increasing number of that correspondence has come via electronic means. Even with such a volume of correspondence, I try to respond to each Idahoan as promptly as possible. In an effort to be even more responsive and to fully utilize the technology available through the Internet, this web page features the top five issues of concern from Idahoans and my response on each from the previous week. You may also wish to review information in the Issues Section or details from my Legislative Record, which lists bills I have sponsored and co-sponsored.

Anti Gun Control

Thank you for contacting me regarding your opposition to gun control measures.  I agree with you and welcome the opportunity to respond.


Let me reassure you that I do not support gun control.  We must protect and preserve our constitutional right to bear arms.  I will not support any legislation that requires a waiting period for the purchase of a firearm, bans the ownership of firearms, promotes or requires the rationing or taxation of firearms, or the taxation of ammunition.


The Second Amendment reads: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  I firmly believe this provision prohibits the federal government from denying citizens this right. 


As you may know, gun control advocates continue to seek creative methods of advancing their agenda, both through legislation and litigation.  You may be assured that I will continue to oppose all efforts to weaken Second Amendment rights. 

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Following Newtown, Anti Gun Control

Thank you for contacting me to share your thoughts about the recent tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.  I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond. 


As a father and grandfather, words cannot adequately describe the profound sadness that I feel for all those affected by this senseless act of a troubled young man.  On Friday, December 14, 2012, we all witnessed the unfolding scene whereby the police responded to a shooting at a Connecticut school where at least 26 lives were taken, and all far too soon.  Our children are our most vulnerable members of society and it is our duty to keep them out of harm’s way. 


This devastating act was a terrible tragedy that stuns the nation.  As an ongoing investigation, the exact situation and motive of the shooter remain uncertain, but the devastation it has had on the community, and to citizens all across the country, does not.  My sincerest and heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to all the innocent victims and their families. 


In the days and weeks going forward, a number of ideas will be brought forward relating to guns and mental health.  As Congress acts, it must be in full recognition that the choices we make must reflect the realities that we cannot completely legislate away risk and violence out of society.  Burdening law-abiding citizens of this country with additional gun restrictions is not the answer to safeguarding the public from further attacks, and weakening Second Amendment rights is not an appropriate response to this tragic act of a lone gunman. 


Let me reassure you that I do not support gun control.  We must protect and preserve our constitutional right to bear arms.  Our country should have a thoughtful and reasoned debate on how to address mental health issues and crime control, while still preserving our constitutional rights.  The Second Amendment reads: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  I firmly believe this provision prohibits the federal government from denying law-abiding citizens this right. 

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Executive Actions on Gun Control

Thank you for contacting me to share your thoughts regarding action taken by the Obama Administration regarding firearms.  I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond. 


As you may know, on December 16, 2012, President Obama announced that Vice President Joe Biden would lead a new initiative, tasked with identifying reform proposals on firearms.  On January 16, 2013, President Obama announced a series of these sweeping reforms, including 23 separate executive actions that the Administration will take on its own to attempt to limit gun violence. 


To view or download the Administration’s report, visit: http://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/preventing-gun-violence.


The President's proposals are very disappointing.  Any discussion about restricting the Constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans deserves, at minimum, a full public debate in Congress.  The Second Amendment reads: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  I firmly believe this provision prohibits the federal government from denying citizens this right. 


Burdening law-abiding citizens of this country with additional gun restrictions is not the answer to safeguarding the public from further attacks.  As gun control advocates continue to seek creative methods of advancing their agenda, both through legislation and litigation, I will continue to oppose all efforts to weaken Second Amendment rights. 

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Free Credit Score

Thank you for contacting me to express your support for an annual free credit score to individuals.  I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond. 


Consumer reporting agencies compile data on consumer credit and payment history.  The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) entitles all consumers to one free disclosure every 12 months upon request from each nationwide credit bureau and from nationwide specialty consumer reporting agencies.  This provides consumers the opportunity to challenge potential fraud and make sure the information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date. 


Credit scores are important in determining access to credit and it is important for consumers to know what their score is so that they can best manage their finances.  In 2011, the Federal Reserve and Federal Trade Commission issued final rules that provide consumers a free credit score if they apply for a loan and are rejected or approved at less-than-ideal terms.


Please rest assured, as Ranking Member of the Senate Banking Committee, I will support continued oversight on this issue. 

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SCOTUS Decision on Obamacare

As you may know the Supreme Court released its ruling on the President’s health care law on June 28, 2012.  In a 5-4 decision, the court upheld the requiring of individuals to obtain health insurance or pay a tax.  The court also ruled that Congress may offer states funds to expand coverage under Medicaid, and states that accept this funding must abide by new rules and coverage requirements; however states can refuse to participate in the expansion and maintain some Medicaid funds.  States will have the option to continue with their current plan.   


The decision of the Supreme Court to uphold the individual mandate as a tax is very disappointing, and it is not the ruling that the American people wanted.  Americans overwhelmingly want solutions that deliver what they need—access to high-quality, affordable health care.  This law did not fix the rising cost of health care. 


During the debate on the Health Care Law, President Obama pledged to the American people that “no family making less than $250,000 would see their taxes increase—not their income taxes, payroll taxes, capital gains taxes, not any of their taxes.”  In response, I offered an amendment to strip the bill of any provision that would violate that pledge.  Despite receiving bipartisan support, my amendment was voted down, and the Court’s ruling further confirms that this bill violated the President’s pledge.  The Congressional Budget Office has stated that more than 75 percent of the individual mandate—a tax—will be paid by those middle-income families the President pledged to protect from any tax increase. 


This law is bad for the American people.  It fails on promises to lower health costs and premiums for working families.  It fails on promises for American people to keep their health care plan if they liked it, and millions of people have learned they cannot.  It increases the burden for small businesses to hire workers.  This law threatens our country’s financial strength and the American way of life.


The issue is now back in the hands of Congress, and I will work to repeal the law and replace it with true reforms that will help reduce health care costs and increase access to quality health care.  Ultimately the American public needs to decide if the government should control one-sixth of our economy and health care.  As a member of the Senate Finance Committee and the Gang of 6, I will continue to work to address our nation’s health care problems and to reform our tax code to make it simpler, not more complex and burdensome, for the American people.  We must get back to finding meaningful solutions to our nation’s health care crisis.


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Last updated 02/11/2013

Idaho State

251 E. Front St., Suite 205
Boise, ID 83702

North Idaho

610 Hubbard, Suite 209
Coeur d' Alene, ID 83814

North-Central Region

313 'D' St., Suite 105
Lewiston, ID 83501

Eastern Idaho, North

410 Memorial Dr., Suite 204
Idaho Falls, ID 83402

Eastern Idaho, South

275 S. 5th Ave., Suite 225
Pocatello, ID 83201


202 Falls Ave., Suite 2
Twin Falls, ID 83301

Washington, DC

239 Dirksen Senate Building
Washington, DC 20510

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