Cabezon Creek WSA, NM
Railroad Valley Oil Well, Battle Mountain NV Antelope in New Mexico Arrow-leaf balsam root in Montana Wind Turbine Fire Management Officer in Eugene, OR
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List of Newest Material, Posted in July 2012
To access all content, click on the headings using the navigation on the right.


In Search of Original Evidence by Dominica Van Koten, with Marshall Bolte.


Sage-Steppe Restoration on the Modoc Plateau by Tim Burke
A Director’s Perspective:  2007-2009 by James L. Caswell
The Sadler Fire:
The 1999 Fire Season and the Great Basin Restoration Initiative
 by Helen Hankins, with Tom Warren
Restore New Mexico:  A Model for the Nation by Jesse Juen
The BLM’s Landscape Approach and Ecoregional Assessments by Joe Tague   

Looking for Gold in the Wilderness
by Alan Rabinoff

Ag Planes Provide a Valuable Tool for BLM’s Firefighting Toolbox by BLM NIFC Staff

Lands and Realty
History of the Mustang Ranch: 
From a Bothersome Brothel to a River Restored
by Mark Struble

Natural Resources
The Transforming Effect of the Natural Resources Defense Council Consent Decree by D. Dean Bibles
The First RAC Meeting and the First Broadcast by Chip Calamaio
Evolution of a Biologist by Tim Carrigan

Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River by Theresa Herrera

Social Resources
America’s Backyard:  The Growth of Outdoor Recreation on BLM Lands by Bob Ratcliffe and David O. Howell

Leading by Example:  Volunteers and Friends Groups!
 by Dave Hunsaker
Environmental Education on the Ground by Beth Kampschror

Wild Horses and Burros
Adoptions Place Mustangs in Good Homes
 by Sarah Beckwith

Material Posted in June 2012

The Beauty Behind the Badlands by Jaclyn Waggoner
The NLCS Extends to the Subtropics by Bruce Dawson
Owyhee Canyonlands:  A Lesson in Perseverance by Robin Fehlau

Social Resources

Law Enforcement

Border Coordination Becomes a Major Emphasis in the 1980s by Kathy Pedrick, Eddie Guerrero, and Greg Thomsen

Changing Workforce

The Year of Three Agencies by Larry Bauer


Great Basin Restoration Initiative by Mike Pellant 

FLPMA and Land Use Planning

Material Posted in April-May 2012


Is Democracy Compatible with Conservation? by Patty Limerick

The National Landscape Conservation System by Bruce Babbitt

Crown Jewels: Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act by Cecil Andrus

From Soddy to Suburb by Wilma Gundy

Finding the Story in History by Joyce Hunsaker

FLPMA, NEPA and Land Use Planning

The Law Wranglers: Litigation in BLM by Matt Christenson

The Northwest Forest Plan by Elaine Zielinski

Changing Workforce

Let’s Make Dust: Not Eat Dust by Chip Calamaio

Law Enforcement

The Sagebrush Ceiling by Lynn Schalk



Just How Big is that ROW Grant? by Tom Hurshman


Natural Resources

(Not so) Still Life with Owls by Ed Shepard

Who Owns Big Al? by John P. Lee

Sage-Grouse: A Tale of Two Birds by Mark Hilliard and San Stiver

Social Resources

Back Country Byways—Uniquely BLM by Bill Civish

Shelf Road Climbing Area by Mark Hesse


Lands and Realty

Land and Water Conservation Fund Acquisitions by David Beaver

Wild Horses

GIS and Wild Horses by Bob Schoolar and Shayne Banks