Issue Statements :

Jobs & Economic Growth

Since first elected to Congress, I have worked hard to increase the number of new and higher-paying jobs in Mississippi.  Recent economic development efforts have led to significant progress in Mississippi, which is reflected by the creation of over 30,000 jobs over the last five years.  Our state is gaining national prominence in the defense and aerospace industries.  We are leading innovators for upholstered furniture, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), steel manufacturing, automobile production, electronics, energy production, helicopter and ship building, and countless agriculture industries.

I have supported expanding educational opportunities and workforce development programs in order to train our citizens to meet the job market’s ever-changing demands and keep Mississippi internationally competitive.  Mississippi’s workers have proven time and again that they can succeed in our global economy.  As more and more companies, both domestic and international, look to relocate or expand, I will continue to work to make sure that Mississippi remains a competitive option.

Press Releases*

January 2013

December 2012

July 2012

May 2012

March 2012

*Currently displaying the latest 10 records. Select a month and year from the Browse by select box to view more records.