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Solar PEIS Follow-on Studies

Information on the BLM's work to pilot a regional mitigation plan is provided below. Information on piloting a long-term monitoring program to be provided as it becomes available.

Solar Regional Mitigation Planning (SRMP): Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone Mitigation Pilot Project

The BLM has hosted two public workshops for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone (SEZ) SRMP.

During the first workshop, held in Las Vegas in August, the BLM shared information about their solar energy program and held discussions on developing regional mitigation plans as outlined in the Final Solar Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement that was released July 24. More than 70 participants, including representatives from federal, state and local government, Tribes, the solar industry, utilities, environmental and other non-governmental organizations were asked to provide thoughts and ideas about mitigation for the Dry Lake SEZ, as well as ideas on future environmental monitoring and adaptive management for the SEZ.

The second workshop was held on October 24 and 25, 2012 at the Hampton Inn Tropicana, 4975 S. Dean Martin Dr., Las Vegas 89118. The topic of the workshop was baseline conditions and unavoidable impacts; a field tour to the Dry Lake SEZ was included.

Dates for future workshops and past workshop materials are posted on the Dry Lake SEZ Mitigation Project website at:

If you have questions or would like to provide comments on the Dry Lake SEZ SRMP pilot project, please send an email to:


The Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone is located in an undeveloped rural area in Dry Lake Valley, north of Las Vegas. The zone is bounded on the west by Arrow Canyon Range and on the southeast by the Dry Lake Range.

Comments on both the Draft Solar PEIS and the Supplement to the Draft Solar PEIS showed significant public interest in working cooperatively with stakeholders to develop regional mitigation plans for solar energy zones. Comments also stressed stakeholder involvement in the development of a long-term and scientifically-based environmental monitoring and adaptive management plan for solar energy development on BLM-administered lands.

Through the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone Mitigation Pilot Project, the BLM will test the concepts on regional mitigation plans and monitoring and adaptive management plans presented in Appendix A of the Final Solar PEIS (Volume 6, Part 1).